Page 28 of Rise of a Kingdom

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“Hmm, not as unaffected as you’d like to make everyone believe, my devious little wife.” He leans forward until his breath is mere inches from mine, and I can feel the heat coming off of his body and smell his fresh minty breath skating across my skin. Desire races through my body, and my own breath sounds loud to my straining ears.

“You like the idea of having my cock so deep in your throat that you can’t take a breath without me, don’t you, little wife?” His long warm fingers smooth over the skin of my cheek before reaching my jaw and tightening around it. An edge of pain makes its way across my skin as he pulls me towards him. The gap rapidly closing between us. “Oh, don’t worry, Stella, I plan to have my cock deep inside all of your holes, and when I’m done, you will never forget who you belong to.”

His tongue licks along the side of my jaw, warm and wet, causing goosebumps to break out across my body and a traitorous moan to leave my lips before I can stop it. My hands trail across the soft fabric of his dress pants, feeling the thick, strong muscles beneath. I grab a fist full of the material on his thigh in order to ground myself. His lips move down my neck, rotating between soft kisses, licks, and his teeth scraping along my heated flesh. I tilt my neck, giving him further access without a thought. He’s creating a volcano of heated lava inside of me. One that begs to erupt and takes us both to the unrelenting void of hell and heaven combined. With Jaxon Stratford, there will never be just one pinnacle to reach..

“You belong to me, Stella. I escaped the fucking darkness and near death to return to you. There is a hole near my heart that has your fucking name on it. You will stop trying to manage and control me. I am not your enemy; I am your keeper.” A deep groan leaves his lips as he bites down on the sensitive flesh of my ear lobe, causing my back to arch and a gasp to leave my parted lips. My pussy is spasming and weeping for him. His touch and words are an enticement that it does not want to resist. “This pretty cunt is mine, Stella.”

My breath comes out wispy and faltering. My nipples are two hard pebbles in my bra, and my panties are soaked.How can he do that to me with just his words and lips on my ear?The rasp of his voice and the threat in his tone has me almost bending to his will. I want him with a desperation that I reserve for only one thing…power.

I crave power and control. The two items that will have me determining and managing my own future. Jaxon would have me giving up both to have a taste of him between my thighs.Why can’t we have both? Power and Jaxon?My mind questions with a faltering breath.

I pull back until his lips are forced to part from my heated flesh, and I can look into his graphite gaze. “I belong to no one but myself, Jaxon. If you returned from death at my call, it must mean that you belong to me.” I let my fingers skate up the fabric of his chest, reaching the open neckline of his shirt and slowly unbuttoning the first two buttons, then the next. I watch, transfixed, as his powerful throat struggles to swallow, and his breathing quickens as I unbutton another two buttons until his shirt is almost wholly opened and gaping before me, and all his beautiful golden skin and the ink along his ribs are exposed.

My fingers skim over his warm flesh, which pebbles with goosebumps at my touch. When I reach the pink puckered bullet wound in his chest, I slowly slide my finger over it—admiring the texture and the sacrifice this man made for me. That bullet went straight through but caused so much damage.He almost died because of it, because of me.



“Only a struggle twists sentimentality and lust together into love.” E. M. Forster

Ileanforward,mylips gently touching the mark as his breath leaves him in a shuddering gasp, and I feel his body tighten. The tip of my tongue traces over the freshly soft, pink skin as his hands shift up my back. One of his fists makes it into the hair at my nape, and his fingers tighten around the strands, a small whimper leaving my lips at his harsh treatment.

I breathe in his scent and lean more of my body towards him until I am half out of my seat, half-standing before him. My hand slides down his waist and over his strong and lean hip, following the groove between where his leg encounters his pelvis. My fingers meet and stroke over his hard cock, tenting the material of his pants and marking its presence and demand to be unleashed known.

I slowly wrap my fingers around his fabric-encased girth, a shudder running through him as a growly moan leaves his lips. “Unzip me, Stella. I want to feel those fingers wrapped around my skin.” For a brief moment, I hesitate. My heart is beating rapidly in my chest, my senses all filled with nothing but Jaxon. My mind is at war with my desire for him. I should pull back from what is happening here. I should deny him and myself; nothing good can come from giving in to him other than a fleeting moment of pleasure. I refuse to be one of those simpering women that become dickmitized. I don’t care how long and thick Jaxon’s cock is; I am not going to be controlled by it.

He almost died for you.My brain screams with frustration. The thought has me closing my eyes tight and once again kissing the soft spot on his chest. The one that will forever be a symbol of his heroic action. There has to be a way that I can make it up to him and honor his sacrifice without losing my power to him. I can control myself; I just have to be firm with Jaxon. I have to keep my head focused and my heart out of our shared moments. This can just be about mutual gratification. I can pleasure him and myself without ceasing my control or power.

I slowly unzip his pants, and warm flesh greets me.Fuck me; this man did not come here, commando.I trail my fingers along his length, tracing my finger over the wide, velvety crown that is wet with moisture. His cock jumps at my touch, and a gasp leaves his lips. My fingers wrap around his girth, and they aren’t even enough to cover half the length of his cock. A moan escapes my lips as I realize how my body would have to stretch to encompass him, and the needy slut inside of me can’t wait to feel the burn. I move my hand up and down for a few deep strokes; pulling back from his cock, I lean my face forward and spit on his cock, then retighten my grip on the upstroke as little animalistic grunts leave his lips.

“That’s it, my little viper, tighter. Show me how you enjoy taking control of my cock.”

My eyes leave his cock and make their way across Jaxon’s face. I admire the blush across his high cheekbones, the way his lips are parted and slack, and his eyes are at half mast, filled with pleasure. His hips move forward into my grasp, forcing my strokes to be tighter and longer. His other hand reaches out and caresses my breast through the soft fabric of my shirt, which does nothing to disguise how hard my nipples are. The desire to watch him come undone before me fills me; it’s a craving that I don’t want to deny.

“I want to see all this creamy skin, Stella. I want to taste the perfection of your soft skin and leave my marks all over you so that when you look at yourself, you realize who owns you.” His hand tightens on my breast and pulls at the fabric of my blouse, sending buttons flying everywhere with his rough handling. “That you are a Stratford, and the only man that will ever touch you is me.”

Suddenly his hand leaves my breast, and his fingers encircle my throat, tightening his grasp until my breath is trapped in my throat. I try to pull back from the hold, but he just tightens it further in warning. His words are gritted through clenched teeth, and my grip on his cock tightens.

“There will be no other men, Stella. Not fucking Ajax or any other fool that tries to convince you to leave me.” My face is going red, and I’m starting to see white spots in front of my eyes. “I will slit your fucking throat if you are ever even slightly swayed. Then follow you into hell because even the devil can’t have you. You’re mine.” I can’t take my eyes off of his enraged face, the menace and promise of violence and danger in his features. “Do you understand me, Stella?”

I release my hold on his thick hard cock, and I wrap both my hands around his wrist and pull, hoping to dislodge his hold. I can feel the darkness calling me; my chest is so tight with the air trapped inside me. I slap at his grasp, but other than making a sharp sound, it does nothing to release his hold. I believe he might kill me for a moment, that he’s lost control. I’m fumbling on the desk, trying desperately to grab onto anything I can use to break his hold. My fingers grasp the blade's hilt, tightening around its rough material. I quickly slide it up against his chest and point the sharp edge against his skin. I watch as he realizes that I have a blade to his heart. His grip releases until his fingers are just merely encircling my throat, stroking my delicate and bruised flesh as a raspy breath enters my lungs, and I swallow the saliva that had pooled in my mouth.

“You would stab the heart that barely survived the last attempt to save you?” His voice sounds bleak and weathered as his head lowers until he’s staring at the blade in my tight fist. Sorrow fills me with his pain-filled words. I watch as my hand trembles, holding the blade, the tip against his skin, causing a bead of blood to rise along its surface. A few meager inches to the right and I would be right over the healing bullet wound. I watch, entranced, as a drop of blood races down his golden skin and disappears into the fabric of his shirt, another bead of blood rising to replace it. “Have I not shed enough blood for you, Stella? Would you have more?”

His hand grabs the blade hilt still in my grasp, and he tightens his fingers over it, pushing the tip deeper into his skin. A sharp exhale leaves his lips, and a cry leaves mine as we both watch more of his lifeblood drip down his chest. His other hand releases my throat, and his fingers run through the trickles of blood now coating his abdomen. He slides them through the bright red mixture and raises them to my parted mouth, outlining my shocked lips before slipping his finger in between them. “Taste what I am willing to sacrifice for you, Stella, so you understand that there is nothing I won’t do to have you, no length I won’t go.”

The rich taste of salty copper fills my mouth, and my tongue lashes at his finger, cleaning off all of his life-giving fluid. My eyes raise to his heavy, pewter ones, fringed with long dark lashes. His eyes widen and gleam as my lips close over his flesh, and I suck deeply. My hold on the blade loosens until he pulls it away from his chest. My eyes meet the small cut on his chest, and the urge to lick him there, to claim him in such an animalistic way, fills me. I move my lips away from his finger and slide my tongue across his chest, licking up the small drops that remain on his golden skin. “Fuck, Stella. You will be my undoing.”

His hand grabs onto my mine, and he lifts it to his lips. His soft, warm lips make contact with the palm of my hand before his tongue is sliding across its surface, and a growl of satisfaction leaves his mouth. I look away from the perfect expanse of his chiseled chest and meet his eyes that sparkle with desire and the need to consume me. His tongue peeks out once again, and I notice that he has blood on his lips, blood from the palm of my hand. I must have sliced it as I grappled with the blade. He eagerly licks, groaning in satisfaction as if he is eating the finest of desserts, before he pulls back and stares at me. His handsome features are filled with hunger and desire. I no doubt am mirroring the same look back at him.

His hand strikes out and yanks the ripped shirt from my shoulders, causing it to slide down my arms and trapping me as he pulls on the fabric and forces my arms behind my back. His other hand grabs a fist full of my hair at the top of my head and pulls me forward until I am bent at the waist, and my mouth is inches from his proud hard cock. He doesn’t utter a command, just tightens his hold on my strands and pushes my head closer until the beads of precum coat my lips like some macabre lip gloss. I open my lips wide as the crown of his cock slips into my wet mouth. The taste and feel of him hitting my tongue has my knees almost buckling. His hold tightens on my arms, forcing me to remain where he wants me. Controlling me, like he does indeed own me.

I trace my tongue over his slit and down the ridges of his thick head, sucking on the very tip until a moan leaves his lips. I let my tongue stroke over the large vein on the side of his thick dick, lashing it over and over. He allows me to have my way for a moment, learning his taste and the feel of all that hardness in my mouth before he starts a slow rhythm of stroking into my mouth. The thick head hits the back of my throat, and I gag, saliva filling my mouth along with his heady taste. My eyes water as he picks up speed and force, hitting the back of my throat and going deeper with each stroke. Loud and vicious choking sounds fill the room, along with his soft growls. The combination of the sounds helping to edge me towards an orgasm of my own.Fuck, if I could just get my fingers under my skirt and on my clit, it wouldn’t take much to make me explode.The noises he and I are making are a symphony of erotic passion and sweet music to my ears. “That’s it, my little viper, milk me, suck me down hard.”

I have never enjoyed giving head and gagging on cock like I am right now. My few experiences with Ajax were never like this, never all-consuming and filled with molten heat. I never allowed anyone to manhandle me like Jaxon is doing and certainly never thought that I would enjoy and crave the rough and forceful way he is making me suck his cock. Jaxon’s punishing grip on my hair is ripping out strands of my hair. The air is momentarily trapped in my throat every time he forces his cock deep into my throat. The feel of the tears sliding down the side of my face and saliva pooling on my chin. It’s degrading, forceful, controlling, and sexy as fuck the way he’s forcing me to take his cock, without questioning if I want him. I would never willingly put into words how much I want and need this, but that’s the thing about Jaxon; he somehow knows.

“What a good little slut you are gagging on my cock; look at the mess you’re making of yourself.” He drags a finger along the side of my stretched lips and down my chin, running the digit through the spit that is trickling out of my too-full mouth. “Mine!”
