Page 92 of Playboy Playmaker

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The man who has protected me, taken care of me, and selflessly sacrificed so many things to simply be withme.

The only way I can fix this is by being honest and not running from my feelings like a coward, no matter how impossibly big they feel.

I know that now, because the only other option is to lose him, and that’s really not even an option, not really. I want to be with him because I do love him. I know that now. Hell, I knew it when he told me he loved me; I was just too overwhelmed to accept it. What I know right now is that I want him. And I have to fix what I broke to make that happen.

Turning the corner to the hallway that leads to my dad’s office, I’m so lost in thought that I’m not paying attention to where I’m going, suddenly running into someone hard, losing my balance.

A hand flies to my elbow to steady me, and of course…

“Hudson,” I breathe, my gaze wide as I take in the wall of a man in front of me. He looks as distraught as I feel. His eyes are tired, and the stubble on his face is slightly longer than I’m used to seeing. God, I hate seeing him like this… I hate the exhausted look in his eyes.


The nickname falls easily from his lips, and it makes me smile, even with the world on fire around us. It gives me hope that maybe I can actually fix this.

“W-what are you doing here?”

His lips tug up into a sad smile, one that hits me directly in the middle of my already aching chest. “Had to see Coach. Try and put out a few fires.”

I nod, biting my lip, trying to keep the tears at bay. “Hudson… I-I’m so sorry. I’m so incredibly embarrassed and more sorry than you’ll ever know that my behavior caused this whole thing. I’m going to my dad right now to talk to him, to tell him the truth and fix this. Fix all of it.”

I am obviously doing a shit job at keeping my emotions under control because I feel the hot tears sliding down my face, and I sniffle, tearing my gaze from his as I blink them away.

“Hey, hey, Bubblegum… don’t cry. Don’t do that, baby,” he whispers, stepping forward and bringing his hands to my jaw. He frames it in his hands, using his thumb to swipe away the tears wetting my cheeks. “Don’t you dare fucking apologize. I would do it again in a heartbeat, even knowing the outcome.”

“But-t hockey. It’s your job—it’s everything to you. I ruinedeverything. The things they’re saying about yo-u-u…” I’m stuttering, crying, full-on waterworks now, but I can’t help it. I’m devastated that I’m the cause of all of this. Devastated that this perfect man has to deal with the fallout simply because I can’t hold my liquor. Because he got caught with me. “They…”

“Don’t matter. Because I was protecting the girl I love. And that is the kind of man I want to be. The man I’m fucking proud of. Who can admit he’s head over heels in love with his coach’s daughter, who’s thirteen years younger than him.”

“And in college.” A teary laugh escapes as his grin widens.

“Who’s in collegeandin a sorority. Even though it’s fucking crazy and we’re on two opposite ends of our lives… I can’t live without her. And I don’t want to. Not even going to try.”

My heart slams against my chest at his declaration. He makes everything sound so easy. So uncomplicated. If only that were true.

“This is crazy. All of it. It’s a mess.”

He nods, swiping away another tear, dropping his head closer to mine. His piercing eyes see past the fear in me, past the uncertainty. “It is. But it doesn’t change a thing, Bubblegum. Not a fucking thing. I’m still just as crazy about you as I was before last night. Maybe even more now, and I didn’t think that was possible. We need to talk about everything. I know we can work through this.”

I swallow down the emotion, bringing my hands to his wrists as they frame my face. He unravels the inside of me, drawing every single thing to the surface that has bubbled underneath since the night I met him.

“I need to see my dad first, Hudson. Please, let me try to fix this, and then I want to come to you. I want to figure everything out between us, but I have to talk to him first.”

His eyes search mine, and then he nods. “I’ll be here, Bubblegum. Whenever you’re ready.”

“Thank you. For being patient. I have a lot I need to say when we talk, but just know I’m so sorry for hurting you,” I whisper, letting go of his hands and taking a small step back so I can think clearly. It’s impossible to think of anything but him when his hands are on me, his scent invading me.

“I’ve waited for you, Caroline, before I even knew that I was. I’ll wait as long as you need.”

With that, he leans forward and presses his lips to my forehead in the most tender, sweet kiss I’ve ever experienced, and my eyes sting as he turns and walks away down the hall until he’s out of view.

I suck in a breath and dry my eyes the best I can since the tears seem to keep falling and walk to my dad’s door, knocking lightly.

A few moments later, it swings open, and he’s on the other side of the door, looking so very tired. The lines are prominent around his eyes, and it looks like he’s aged five years overnight. I hate that I’m part of the reason that this is happening, not just to Hudson but to my dad too.

“Care Bear,” he whispers, and that’s all that it takes for a sob to escape my lips. He steps forward, dragging me into his arms, crushing them around me as I cry into his chest. Heavy, heart-wrenching sobs that I couldn’t stifle even if I tried. There are too many emotions coursing inside of me to contain any longer.

“Don’t cry, Caroline. God, baby girl, don’t cry. Please, I can’t stand to see you cry,” he says with his lips pressed against my hair. “Talk to me. Tell me what’s going on.”

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