Page 7 of Playboy Playmaker

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Immediately, I reach up and smooth my hair, not realizing that it’s fucked, but after what I just experienced… well, the number of times she grabbed on for dear life…

For a moment, I think about not telling him what just happened. She wanted to remain anonymous, but then again… I don’t even know the girl’s real name. All I know is that I just had the best sex of my life with a complete stranger, and the only thing I know about her is how tight her pussy is and that she’s not a hockey fan.

“Yeah, well…” I lean closer, lowering my voice. “I just had the best sex of my goddamn life in a broom closet with a girl I don’t even know, and she left me there before I could even put my dick back in my pants.”

His eyes widen, comically so, before he bursts out laughing, loud and raucous, causing several eyes to turn his way. I slap him on the back of the head, promptly quieting his dramatic ass.

“Shut up, you idiot.”

“Fuck, don’t hit me! I’m sorry. I’msorry.” He raises his hands in defense, stepping back slightly before I can hit him again, “That shit is hilarious. Man, have the tables turned, huh? Tell me, Romeo, when’s the last time someone hit and quityou?”

My eyes narrow as the scowl on my lips deepens. In my post-sex haze, I hadn’t even realized what was happening. “You know what? I don’t even know why I just told you. Can you please for the love of god keep quiet? Not say shit to anyone else?”

“Your secret’s safe with me,Romeo.”

The smug-ass grin on his lips tells me that it won’t be long until the entire damn team knows.



Chaos. That’s all there is surrounding me. Pure, unfiltered fuckingchaos.Complete with a bouncy house and a whole-ass petting zoo. No, really, anactualzoo. Imagine my surprise when I walked into Reed’s mansion this afternoon and saw a fucking goat looking at me all funny.

There’s a miniature cow, a herd of baby goats, a couple of sheep, and this little baby pig that keeps squealing like it’s stuck the second one of the kids manages to catch it. All of the animals are secured behind a rickety-ass wire fence with a drove of toddlers all fighting to get as close as they possibly can to them.

Without a doubt, this was Holland’s idea, and as usual, Reed went along with it because that’s just who he is. The guy would give her anything, including his balls in a handbasket, if she asked for them.

“This is fucking wild,” Reed mutters, taking in the sight in front of him. It’s likeSurvival of the Fittest—toddler edition. I’m pretty sure someone is going to end up with an elbow to the face and a black eye as a trophy.

A chuckle rumbles through my chest as I take it all in, shaking my head. As wild as it is, I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. With my brothers and their families that have become my own along the way. I love these wild-ass kids.

Just as the thought enters my mind, Evan runs past me, with Alex and Olive both chasing after him, giggling.

There’s a part of me that can’t even believe that it’s hiseighthbirthday. It feels like just yesterday, Reed was getting the call, and suddenly, Evan was the center of all of our lives. I’ve watched him grow from a quiet toddler into a mini version of my best friend, and it makes my chest swell with pride. This is my nephew. Even if we’re not joined by blood, we have all loved this kid like he was ours since the very first day.

Time is fucking flying. It feels like every time I blink, there’s another kid being born. Someone getting married. Moving away. New teammates. Everything’s changing before I even realize that it has.

“Which part? The fact that you have a full-blown zoo in your backyard or the fact that your kid is practically a teenager?” I ask him.

Reed shakes his head, his dark hair falling in his face, but it doesn’t cover the way that his eyes soften. “Nah, don’t do that shit to me. He’s still got a few years. I can’t even think about that yet.”

“Yeah, remember what you were like when you hit puberty?” Briggs asks. He’s standing beside me with Dexter, his youngest, slumped against his chest and snoring slightly. There’s a small spot of drool crusted on the corner of his parted lips.

How the kid can sleep with the commotion going on around us is beyond me, but if there’s one thing that I’ve learned about kids, it’s that they are resilient. A lot of times, more than us adults are.

“Fuck yeah I do, which is why I am not looking forward to it. Plus, I just want to keep him little, man. No one tells you how hard it will be to watch them grow up. Part of you wants to hold on just a little bit longer, and the other part can’t wait to see the person they become,” Reed says, his eyes glittering as Evan runs around his party, a toothless grin on his lips.

Asher nods. “I feel this. Just watching all of your kids and Alex grow up. Bittersweet kinda feeling.”

The same familiar ache that’s been heavy on my chest for weeks, maybe even months, spreads within my rib cage, and I sigh, bringing the water bottle to my lips and draining it in a single gulp.

“Reed?” Holland squeaks from the cotton candy stand, where she’s admittedly looking a bit frazzled at the crowd of kids in front of her. Her long, honey hair is now swept into a messy bun on the top of her head, and she’s got a smear of something dark brown and crusty on her face that I’m really hoping is cupcake icing.

“Be right back. Gotta go save my wife from toddler eat toddler,” Reed jokes, then jogs over to her, leaving Asher, Briggs, and I alone.

Chaney barrels toward us, a toddler hot on his heels, a look of pure terror in his eyes. “Fuck, save me!” he hisses as the kid giggles and tries to latch onto his leg. He leans closer, lowering his voice. “Literally, help me. I can’t do this shit. What do I do with it?”

His eyes widen in fear as his gaze drops down to the giggling little girl currently wrapped around his leg like a spider monkey.

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