Page 41 of Playboy Playmaker

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The tiny smirk on her lips makes me grin, and I untangle my fist from her hair, then sit back in my seat. I reach out to drag my thumb along her lips. “Hey.”

I realize just how in over my head I am, yet here I am, pulling away from the curb of her fucking sorority house like I’ve not got a damn thing to lose.

* * *

“Wow,”Caroline whistles as her wide gaze rakes over the front of my house, “Gotta say, Romeo, I was not expecting you to live in such a…cutehouse. So domesticated.”

I hoist her bag higher on my shoulder and scoff. “Yeah, well, that’s what happens when you move out of your bachelor pad because all of your friends got married and had kids.”

“Makes sense. Playboy Playmaker—perpetual bachelor with a penchant for puck bunnies.” Her tone is light and teasing, but it strikes something inside of me I used to never give a shit about until recently. I hate that persona, and all I want is to leave that shit behind.

“C’mon, I’ll give you the grand tour.”

“Mmm. You know, I’ve heard that exact line before, and I ended up in a broom closet…”

I chuckle. “Oh? Make it a habit of dragging strangers into closets?”

She shrugs and feigns more interest in the stucco of my house than the conversation we’re having. “Sorry, Romeo, I don’t kiss and tell.”

Without another word, she leaves me standing in the driveway, shaking my fucking head at the mouth on her, and walks to the front door, calling over her shoulder, “Well? Are you coming?”

I join her on the porch and unlock the door, then hold it open for her, gesturing. “After you, Bubblegum.”

Amusement shines in her eyes as she slides past me into the foyer and takes in the house. I set her bag down on the last step of the stairs, watching as she looks up at the vaulted ceilings and some of the artwork on the wall.

Definitely not shit that I picked out—I left it up to my sister. All I wanted was privacy and a comfy-ass bed to come home to when I got off the road.

“Oh my god, that smellsamazing,” she says, inhaling deeply before letting out a moan, “Please tell me that’s what’s for dinner because I am starving. I think I’ve had approximately two packs of ramen noodles and a Bang Energy drink in the past two days.”

“That’s not fucking healthy, Caroline. You’ve gotta eat. The body needs sustenance.”

Her gaze snaps to mine, narrowing slightly. “Is this like an old guy thing? Being so bossy and… authoritative? Jesus. I know I need to eat,daddy.”

I’m fucked for thinking that’s so hot, but I don’t give a single shit.

I never had an interest in the name until I heard it from her lips. Now, I think I’d like to try it on for size.

My hand itches by the second to spank the fuck out of her. Truly, it’s currently twitching by my side. But before I can have her, we need to discuss… ground rules. Or whatever the fuck because all I know is that the second I get her splayed out on my bed, I’m not coming up for goddamn air. There’s very much still the fact that no one can know about this and what would happen if theydidfind out.

“I’d lay off the nickname, Bubblegum, unless you want to be screaming it later.”

When her eyes widen slightly from calling her bluff, I smirk, then grab her hand and pull her toward the kitchen.

She immediately drops her purse onto the floor next to the barstool and slides onto the wooden stool while I check the sauce and fix us both a plate.

I’m surprised I didn’t somehow fuck it up, but it seems to taste okay. Hailey will have a field day with that fact.

“So, you cook?” she asks as I slide the plate across the bar, then grab a wine glass from the rack. Pretty sure this is the first time it’s ever been used.

“Not often. I’m on the road six months out of the year, and that doesn’t include camps or practice, and then I generally travel during the off-season, so I’m not home much. If I am, I usually order meal prep for the week from a nutrition place the team works with.”

She nods. “Makes sense. The muscles and all.”

“You been checkin’ me out, Bubblegum?” Her eyes roll, and I smirk. “White or red? I got both because I didn’t know what you preferred. And being underage and all, I figured you weren’t too picky.”

“Asshole.” She laughs at my teasing, then shrugs. “Uh, honestly? Neither. Beer.”

Hm. Well, fuck me, this girl continues to surprise me at every turn. Just like she has since the first day she started at the rink and I began to really get to know her.

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