Page 2 of Playboy Playmaker

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It’s not like me, but then again, lately, I don’t feel very much like myself.

It feels weird being in the very best physical shape of my life, playing better than I ever have, and mentally not being on the same page. Like my mind is at war with my body. Maybe it’s because, like the rookie said, Iamgetting older. Logically, I know I’m notold—I’m in my thirties. But mid thirties is practically an expiration date for hockey players. Unless you’re the next Gretzky or Howe, you’re likely retiring before thirty-five. Most people’s bodies can’t handle the grueling gameplay and aggressive hits they receive on the ice, no matter how in shape they are.

I’ve known it since I was a kid and made hockey my dream. That if I ever did make it to the big leagues, there would always be an end date long before most men retire. I guess I just didn’t realize how fast it would go. Hell, what would I even do if I wasn’t playing hockey?

“Alright, catch you later,” I tell him. “Be smart. No more fucking people’s girlfriends.”

He shrugs. “Not my fault they’re not being entirely truthful.”

I don’t even bother with a response to that and instead make my way through the exit. I’ve had enough of Chaney for the night.

The moment the cool night air hits my cheeks, my shoulders dip in relief. I feel like I’m taking my first full breath of the night without my chest tightening in restlessness. I feel less caged in. I pull my phone from my pocket and unlock it, aimlessly scrolling through my notifications as I walk toward the dim, empty courtyard.

More texts from my ex that I swipe away and don’t even bother opening. Definitely not in the mood to deal with that shit. A few emails from sponsors. Most of the notifications are from the family group chat between Mom, Dad, and Hailey, my little sister.


Hailey: I’m bringing someone to our family dinner this month. Hudson, if you start shit, I’m going to leak your number on twitter. Again.

Mom: Hailey Elizabeth!

Dad: Haha. This is going to be GREAT.

For fuck’s sake.


Suddenly, my phone flies from my hand and skids across the concrete of the courtyard with a dramatic crunch as I collide with something soft and pliable, taking me by surprise.

Well, fuck.

I drag my gaze up and see what… or more like who I’ve run into. She’s short, her head barely reaching the middle of my chest, with long, golden-blonde hair that falls down her back in loose curls. Her body is wrapped in a tight red dress that has my mouth watering just at the sight. The material is molded to her figure, accentuating her toned thighs and curvy hips. Damn.My eyes move upward, drinking in her supple bust, lingering on how perfectly she fills out the dress clinging to her body like one very lucky glove, until I snap out of it and drag my gaze back to her face.

Her plump, glossy lips are tightened in a scowl as her gaze narrows.

“Shit, are you okay?” I ask, wincing when I realize she’s rubbing the part of her head where she hit me, like it hurts.

Her bright pink nails rub at the spot, and she shakes her head slightly. “Um, yes? I guess, considering I just got plowed into by a giant.”

I bite back a smirk from the innuendo. Even with the mask of frustration resting upon her face, she’s still one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen. Long, dark, thick lashes frame her blue eyes. Her nose has a slender, delicate slope that makes her look even more… soft? Dainty? Feminine.

Fuck me. She’s stunning. And I quite literally ran into her, nearly knocking her down like an asshole.

Even with heels on, she’s so much shorter than me that I’m looking down my nose at her. She’s fun-sized, but curvy where it counts.

“I’m so sorry. I was texting and not paying attention to where I was going.”

“It’s fine. I’m okay.” Pulling her hand away, she peers up at me with wide eyes. “I think your chest might actually be made of concrete or something. Jesus.”

I laugh. “I’ve taken a few hits in my life. My ego thanks you.” I squat down and pick up my phone, and of course, the screen is fucking shattered. Pieces of glass are chipped and falling out. I groan. “Shit.”

“Oh god, well, now I’m the one who feels bad,” she says as she gawks at my destroyed phone. She rolls her plump, glossy lip between her teeth, and I’m not even going to pretend that my eyes aren’t glued to that simple yet sexy-as-fuck motion.

“Nah, it’s just a phone. It can be replaced.” I tuck it into my pocket and lift my eyes back to hers, trying like fuck to ignore the fact that she’s so beautiful. “I just want to make sure you’re okay. Only an asshole texts and walks. Let me make it up to you.”

The words are out of my mouth in a rush before I can even think about how it could sound. Because I’m obviously not. Thinking, that is.

Her eyebrows raise in question, the corner of her lips turning up slightly. “Are you…propositioningme?”

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