Page 19 of Playboy Playmaker

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“Sounds good.”

It doesn’t sound good, not at all, but what could I say? Please don’t put me around the hottest man I’ve ever seen, the one whose dick is obviously magic since I can’t seem to stop thinking about it?

He was right when he called me a liar because he did make me come harder than I ever have.

We agreed to a one-night stand, so I’ll just have to accept the torture as what it is. And like he said… we’re going to act professionally. Which I totally am prepared to do, even if thinking about his magic dick is not in line with said professional behavior.

Easy enough.

It takes about thirty minutes to tour the facility, with Laura pointing out the staff offices, the locker rooms, the weight rooms, and other places I might need, like the sports closet and the restroom.

What they have set up here for these kids is seriously incredible, and as the tour progresses, I’m even more excited to dive in.

“Now, let’s go meet the team,” she says, disappearing through the door that leads to the ice. Her blonde ponytail swishes behind her as she steps out into the massive rink, and my mouth drops a little bit.


Her laugh echoes around us as she nods, amusement shining in her gaze. “Tell me about it. Our program has come so far in the past few years, and honestly, the majority of our funding comes from the players. They are very generous, not just with money but with their time, too. The Avalanches guys are responsible for much of this.”

She sweeps her arm out and gestures to the state-of-the-art rink full of kids skating. It doesn’t take long for my eyes to seek out Hudson.

I tried not to, I really did. I had every intention of pretending he doesn’t exist, but the problem with Hudson Rome is that you can’t ignore his presence, even if you tried. He has the ability to draw all eyes to him. A magnetic pull that demands attention. Even from the few times we’ve been together, I can see that. Not to mention how it’s captured when he’s on the ice. And of course, I googled him the second I got home to attest to that.

As we approach the ice, our arms resting on the boards, my eyes rake over his body, clad in a pair of gray sweatpants that should be illegal.

God, he’s so handsome it is ridiculous.

His dark hair is cut close to his head, and a dusting of stubble ghosts his sharp jaw. Who knew an Adam’s apple could be so sexy?

Is that a thing? A sexy neck?

He’s in a black hoodie bearing the Avalanches logo and a pair of hockey skates that look like they’ve been through the wringer, with a shiny silver whistle around his neck.

His powerful legs take him to the far side of the rink, and I try not to think of each of his muscles rippling beneath my fingers as I slid them down his body and into the waistband of his pants in that stupid closet.


“Hm?” My gaze whips back to Laura, and my cheeks flame under her stare. “Sorry, what did you say?”

She laughs. “I asked if you wanted to meet the guys?”

“Oh, yes, of course.”

A few seconds later, she calls Hudson’s name, capturing his attention, and then he skates over, taking his time to cross the ice. I can feel his eyes on me even from across the arena, and I try not to let his attention cause any visible reaction. The last thing I want is this man to see the way that he affects me.

“Laura,” he says with a smile that makes my stomach dip. He turns his attention to me and nods. “Caroline.”

“The guys are looking amazing out there, really working together as a team. A handful of practices and you’re already doing great, Hudson. And you were worried you couldn’t handle these guys,” Laura says to him with a wink.

“Thanks. They’re incredible kids.” His throat bobs as he swallows. His eyes drift back to me and then drop to my shirt, the corner of his lips tugging up in a grin, before they lift back to my face. “Nice shirt.”

I’m wearing a vintage Mighty Ducks shirt that my dad gave me when I was a kid. It’s looking a bit distressed, not because it’s in style but because it’s been through the wash at least a hundred times. It’s my lucky shirt, and I knew walking in here that I’d need all the luck I could get since I was going to be around Hudson for an extended period of time. Not that I was particularly worried about seeing him face-to-face again, not after he was such a dick last time.

A dick that I can’t actually stop thinking about, but whatever. He’s hot, and I might have hooked up with him again, but his attitude is a big ole nope for me.


“So, Caroline is going to be with you guys as she shadows Marcus. He’s out sick today but should be back next week. If you need anything, get with her. I think she can handle some taping and minor things today.” She turns to face me. “Caroline, if you need anything, just give me a holler. I’ll be in my office until four.”

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