Page 82 of The Voices are Back

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Yes, but no.

I was suddenly being lifted and moved to the couch, and all I saw was a wall of muscular chest covered in black t-shirt.

“I told you to leave her alone,” Dutch snapped.

“Yeah, but I’m sure it’s a hell of a lot more comfortable on the couch than it is the floor. And I’m not leaving her there,” Wake growled.

I felt that vibration in his chest.

“You’re the reason she passed out,” Dutch said. “I don’t think she wants you anywhere near her.”

I would’ve laughed at this ridiculous conversation had my faculties been all online.

“She passed out because she has a condition. Not because of me,” Wake argued.

“The baby needs you,” Bowie said. “I think she needs changed.”

“How about you go do that then,” Danyetta said.

Her voice clearly said, “don’t argue with me, or else.”

I again would’ve smiled if I could.

“Do you need anything?” Danyetta asked me then, pressing a cool compress to my forehead.

I blinked twice, wondering if she would notice.

“Okay, good,” she said, confirming that she did. “Aodhan said we just hang out with you until you can function normally again. Right?”

One blink.

She nodded as she said, “Your phone has been ringing off the hook, too. Folsom?”

“That’s her best friend,” Wake said. “She also happens to work at the vet with Matilda and Diana.”

“Ohhh.” Dutch snapped her fingers. “This is the best friend!”

I finally got enough feeling in my hands and feet that I could start wiggling my toes.

That feeling spread all the way up to my arms, then shoulders, then feet.

Tingles followed in the feeling’s wake, and I groaned, twisting my head to get it placed better onto the pillow.

“There she is,” I heard said.

I blinked and stared at Wake.

He hadn’t moved very far. A foot and a half at most.

“Sorry,” I said, cringing slightly. How freakin’ embarrassing. “I usually have more preparation than going down that fast.”

“Sounds like you can’t help it,” he said as he backed away. “I’m sorry for putting you into a position where you felt fear.”

I snorted and managed to sit up in a lounge.

“How long was I out?” I wondered.

Wake looked at his watch. It was a big, bulky-looking black number that took up half his forearm. But it was Dutch who said, “Twelve and a half minutes. Do you normally run fevers while this happens?”

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