Page 81 of The Voices are Back

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A wail sounded from the corner of the room, and that’s when I turned to see that a baby was now very much awake in a playpen behind a small room divider.

Wake left and came back with a baby. A very cute one that was adorably sleepy looking, and only had eyes for her father who was holding her with such devotion.

I would’ve thought that holding a baby would turn the large, intimidating man into a man that was a little bit more approachable, but if anything, he gave off a more dangerous air. Touch or hurt my kid in any way, and I’ll fuck you up.

I stepped away from him, and he noticed.

I stepped a few more steps away, and he noticed that, too.

“I’m not going to hurt you,” he said.

I shrugged, feeling my heart start to pound.

I immediately regained my seat, but it was useless.

All the excitement for the day led me to only one outcome.

I passed out before I could make it to my chair.

• • •

“…I think she’s waking up,” I heard a commanding female voice say.

“You sit over there, and keep your stupid scowls to yourself,” I heard another order.

The second female definitely sounded pissed.

I opened my eyes, and I could see that I was on the floor.

But, like normal, I couldn’t do anything about being on the floor.

It usually took me a few minutes once I woke up to get my body to move. There was nothing quite like being awake, but paralyzed, as your brain decided to reboot.

“It says on the internet,” I heard that boy-man’s voice say, “that she should be just fine. Luckily the couch caught her fall.”

Oh, good. At least I wouldn’t have to deal with more stupid bruises. Or another concussion.

Jeez, I’d had so many at this point that they had me under concussion protocols like they did for football players.

“Hi,” Danyetta said as she came into my line of sight.

I blinked.

“Aodhan is on his way back, but he was already thirty minutes away when we called.” She winced.

I blinked again.

I didn’t know what to say to that, so it was a good thing that I couldn’t speak.

“You passed out,” she explained.

I blinked. Yes, I knew that.

I did it often.

“Was it Wake?” she asked.

I blinked.

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