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“I love you.”

The words roared, a tidal wave as strong as his coming. Then they settled, coating his skin and his heart.

“Nicola,” he could only repeat, at a loss. Neither let go, limbs tangled and the rest of their bodies still pressed against each other.

The door slammed open.

“Captain, it’s about to rain. Ruby did some magic shit so she doesn’t have to cloak anymore and…oh, shit.”

Another chair fell to the floor as Wheeler stumbled back, then groaned.

“I didn’t see anything,” he declared. “Just your butt, Captain. You have her sufficiently covered. I, um…I will go. Rain coming. Ruby coming. Not comingcoming,but yeah—”

“Five minutes,” Isaiah called out. “And shush your mouth, Wheeler.”

“Aye, aye, Captain!”

Another slam and the guy was gone, leaving Nicola muffling laughter against his shoulder.

“We really need to lock doors around here,” she said.

“I agree.”

“And keep it in the bedroom.”

“Disagree. I’m not done fucking you over exciting surfaces, darling.”

Their eyes met, remembering the words. Before he grew hard again—an easy feat with her around—he pushed off the floor and hitched her up, too. Isaiah kissed her lips one more time, then her knuckles.

“Ready?” he asked.

A hot, searing smirk met his question.

“Let’s kick this bastard down.”

The rain came in light streaks but soon turned into a vicious storm, one that came with more whipping winds and glowing cracks in the sky. Best of all, it came with a shroud of darkness, enabling them to steer their ship toward the other glow until it was right in front of them.

Isaiah was the first to throw a rope out with Ruby’s help and the first to land on the ship’s deck, casing it before he gestured that it was clear. The other men followed quietly while Nicola came last, pointing. Then she was gone, steps confident as she disappeared down a door.

“Standby,” he whispered.

Ruby and Moon stood on Isaiah’s ship, binoculars out. The rest of the men scattered until they were in position and waited, too. The minutes ticked by with only the rain keeping them company, long enough that impatience started seeping into his bones….

A spark filled the sky, then another. Each one sizzled and died swiftly under the rain, but whatever was going on inside must have been crazy if these many sparks were coming out. A large one gushed out and shot a zigzag motion upward, then fell to the side and lost its momentum just before it could reach Isaiah’s ship. When figures climbed out of doors toward the deck, Isaiah’s crew was ready.

“Ambush!” someone yelled, but the pirate’s voice was lost to a clap of thunder before Chuck knocked him down. The rest were caught by surprise, too, but not for long, as the rest of the pirates figured out that they weren’t alone.

“Someone put out the fire!”

“Someone inform the captain!”

“There’s no second-in-command. Who’s in charge?”

It became painstakingly clear that these men weren’t the ones in charge—nor were they the ones who ran the show under the second-in-command. The crew realized it, too, and soon the fight shifted into something less brutal as they opted to knock down opponents rather than kill them. He would think about what that said about the lot he had picked to be with him and the pride it brought, but for now….

“I said someone inform the captain! Who’s the second-in-charge now?”

“The asshole’s not here. He stayed in the Sky. I will be in charge.”
