Page 8 of Unholy Sins

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I squeezed my eyes shut for the tiniest of seconds, trying to erase the erotic image of her pussy peeking out between her thighs. Trying to stop the tingle in my palm that wanted to pinken her ass cheeks. Trying to keep my dick from getting hard over thoughts that were so inappropriate and intense they were dangerous.

Lyric moved past a bricked building, her strides jerky and stiff with irritation. She reached the corner and disappeared around it.

I held my breath, halting in my tracks, waiting for her to notice the man in front of me, who’d also paused, his body tensed as he probably waited for the same.

I waited for her scream of terror. For her to run when she realized she wasn’t alone.

It never came. She walked off down the side street without even glancing around.

I was done waiting.

The stalker picked up his pace, edging toward the corner of the building and the street Lyric had turned down. But there was no way he was taking another step after her. I rushed him, easily catching the shorter man, and pinning him to the wall.

His head cracked off the brick with a satisfying thud, but I covered his mouth to muffle his shout of surprise, or pain, I didn’t care which. I didn’t bother removing his mask. I didn’t care who the man was or what he looked like. As much as I would have liked to choke him to death right here and now for even glancing in her direction, I couldn’t. This was still the main road that ran through Saint View, and even if it was quiet at this early hour, it wouldn’t be for long. There’d be no time to dispose of a body. It was too messy. Too unplanned. It wasn’t how I rolled.

Instead, I leaned in, putting my lips to the man’s ear as I removed the piece of rope from his now slack fingers. “What were you going to do with this, friend? Tie her up? Or wrap it around her neck?”

I was the biggest hypocrite in the world, because both ideas excited me.

The only thing that made me any better than the cretin beneath me was that I wanted her to like it, too. At least I hoped that made me better than him.

Despite asking a question, I didn’t give him the chance to answer. I dangled the thin length of rope in front of his eyes and leaned in harder on his chest, stealing his air. “Run away, now,” I whispered. “Run far, far away. She doesn’t belong to you. You understand?”

The man gave the tiniest of nods, and I let him go.

He didn’t waste any time. He staggered away, back the way we’d come, shooting fearful glances over his shoulder in my direction, making sure I wasn’t following.

I shoved the rope deep into the pocket of my hoodie, semi-disappointed with myself for not ending the man’s life right then and there. Because I knew he’d try again. Maybe not with Lyric, if he were smart. She wouldn’t be his last, and the thought made me sick to my stomach.

I wouldn’t be watching out for the next woman.

But the thought of Lyric walking the rest of the way home unprotected was worse.

I rounded the corner in a hurry, quickening my steps to catch up with her.

Her fist connected squarely with my nose.

Pain splintered through my face, blood gushed onto my lips, and I blinked, trying to clear my vision, just in time to see her come at me again.

The second punch hurt worse. I let out a howl of pain that reverberated right through my skull.

The punches just kept coming. She landed a third with a rebel yell that would have made me stand up and applaud her, if there wasn’t a good chance she’d just broken my face. I caught her wrist on her fourth attempt, dragging her in tight and spinning her so her back was to my chest, my arms wrapped around hers, pinning them to her sides so she couldn’t have another go at destroying me.

That didn’t subdue her. She writhed in my arms, fighting my every movement, trying to elbow me in the gut while she stomped on my feet in Ugg boots that did little for her cause. I had to clamp a hand over her mouth to quiet her shouts for fear she’d draw attention to us.

It wouldn’t exactly be easy to explain what was going on here.

Despite the blood gushing from my nose and the general pain in my face, I couldn’t help but grin into the darkness. I dodged the back of her head slamming back, and it hit me in the shoulder instead of the face, which she’d clearly been aiming for.

She was feisty. There was no real skill or finesse behind her attack, but that was even better. She was wild. Feral, even.

Every inch of me liked it.

A certain part of me liked it way too much. So much I had to let her go before she felt it.

She leaped away the moment I loosened my grip, spinning around and dropping into a fighter’s stance, hands up, ready to protect herself.

Confusion appeared in her eyes as her gaze flickered over my bleeding face. “You aren’t the man who was following me.”

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