Page 56 of Unholy Sins

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We were one joint and several shots of whiskey down when he finally spoke again. “This isn’t the first house I’ve broken into.”

I leaned back on the couch, wanting my arm to be in contact with his. The whiskey coursed through me pleasantly. I twisted my head in his direction but rested the back of it on the couch. “I didn’t think it was. You were all the way in the bedroom before I even really worked out what was going on. That speaks of experience since my grandmother always says I sleep with one ear open. You kinda have to when you live in a ground-floor apartment in Saint View. Can’t ever let your guard down.”

He exhaled a plume of smoke slowly, then turned his head toward me. “I don’t like when people with money or power take advantage of those who have none. Sometimes I find myself doing things to even the score. Your ex and his girlfriend pissed me off with the way they treat you.”

I nudged him with my elbow, oddly pleased by the fact he was here robbing a house because he didn’t like the way someone had treated me. “Aren’t you just a barrel of surprises? Priest by day, sweary, pot-smoking, ‘Robin Hood stealing from the rich to give to the poor’ by night.” I reached for the bottle again, even though I was getting lightheaded from the combo of alcohol and drugs and really needed to slow down.

But he was making me giddy. Despite my vow to avoid him forever after the show I’d given him last night, there was no denying the chemistry between us, or the way I wanted him. The fact he was so forbidden only made the need worse. Every time he gave me a scrap of a hint I could have more from him, I wanted to pounce on it and unravel his secrets until I knew everything about him. “Watching women get themselves off… Making them watch you when they come.”

I expected him to go red. Or to shove to his feet and leave because I’d pushed him too far. Maybe it was the pot or the whiskey talking, but instead of running away, he moved closer. The backs of his knuckles brushed over the side of my face. His eyes darkened and locked with mine.

“Did you like it?”

His voice was low and raspy. Deeply sexy and reverbed in places low within me.

I should have said no. I should have said that I never let people boss me around, either in the bedroom or outside of it. Yet something in the way he watched me made lying impossible.

Because I hadn’t just liked his demands.

I’d craved them.

I’d come harder than I’d ever come before. All I’d been able to think of since was if his words had that much power over me, how would I feel if it were his fingers inside me? His tongue on my clit? His cock in my mouth?

Every inch of me wanted to find out, and yet I was terrified of asking for what I wanted because of who he was and what he did. We were at the edge of the danger zone that one tiny slip would send us spiraling into it headfirst. “I liked it,” I whispered to him. “If I wasn’t so scared of the way you’d react, I’d do it again now.”

He groaned and closed his eyes. “Jesus, fuck, Lyric. Don’t talk like that.”

I took a chance. A chance he was holding back while wanting as much as I did. He was so frigging hot with his dark hair and tanned skin. Stubble on his cheeks because he hadn’t had mass that day. The lengths of his hair curled at the ends, and I scraped my fingernails along his scalp gently as I straddled his lap.

He leaned into my touch. He put the joint down and his hands came to my back, flattening between my shoulders and guiding me down until there were mere inches between us. His dick went hard beneath me again, and slowly, he opened his eyes.

“I want to kiss you so bad,” he whispered.

I couldn’t help it. I rocked over his lap a little, squirming so the hard ridge of his cock pressed up against my clit. I wanted so much more than kissing. I wanted to yank his pants off and kneel between his thighs, take his dick in my mouth, then ride it while he sucked my nipples. I wanted to feel him everywhere. So deep I’d scream his name when I came. I leaned in until my mouth was a mere inch from his, his breath on my lips.

“I can’t,” he murmured. “I want to. But I can’t. I took an oath.”

An oath I was sure he’d already broken a good few times in the last twenty-four hours, but I backed off anyway. Because if there was one thing I’d learned from working in the club, it was that no meant no, no matter who you were. If it wasn’t an enthusiastic yes, it was still a no.

I went to climb off his lap, but he grabbed my hips, holding me on his still-hard cock.

“Zeph…” He needed to let me go. I couldn’t sit here on his lap, grinding my sleep shorts against his jeans because we were both getting off on it. “I should go. Or you should.”

I tried again to get off his lap and got as far as one foot on the floor before I was swept right off it and thrown down on the couch. The soft cushions bounced beneath my weight, and I stared up at him. I barely breathed for the need coursing through me. He pinned my wrists to the fabric beneath me. He nudged my legs apart so he was between them, and I wrapped my legs around him on instinct, connecting my core to his cock once more and hating that clothes separated us.

He hovered over me, gaze searching mine, though all he would find there was lust and need and a desire so strong it was practically on its knees begging. “I can’t walk away from you, Lyric. I don’t fucking know how.”

His mouth slamming down on mine was anticipated. The pull between us too strong for either of us to resist forever. But the way Zeph kissed shocked me to my very core.

He kissed like he had all the experience in the world. His lips were warm and his tongue hot, searching for entrance, licking at my mouth until I opened willingly for him. Our mouths met in an explosion of feeling, and it was like being fifteen again, kissing on the back seat of a car for the first time. When sex was off the table, so any connection was desperate and raw and new.

His weight pressed down on me, delicious and strong, and he kissed me until my head spun in dizzying circles, each rotation sending me further and further into a lust spiral that began and ended with him. I ran my fingers through his hair, tugging on the ends until he groaned and ground against me, shamelessly dry humping like horny teenagers.

It was him who pulled away. I would have kissed him for hours more, right until the sun came up and our real lives snuck back in.

But Zeph stared down at me with kiss-swollen lips and messed-up hair, breathing hard. “I should go.”

I knew it too. If he stayed any longer, I’d be begging him to get me naked, and he’d already crossed so many lines tonight that I knew he’d probably regret. I didn’t want sex to be one of them. “Okay.”

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