Page 46 of Unholy Sins

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“It’s better than him doing nothing at all. He’s not a bad guy.”

I stiffened at her praising Lleyton. Jealousy coursed through me.

She gazed up at me, curious. “Why did you just go all frosty and hard?”

“I didn’t.”

A smile played about her mouth. “Yeah, Zeph. You did. I said Lleyton was a good guy, and you went stiff as a board.”

I stepped back, knowing she was right and knowing exactly why I’d done it.

Because I hated hearing her talk about another man.

Hated knowing he’d touched her. Gotten her naked. Kissed her pretty lips and sank his cock inside her pussy.

I hated knowing that asshole had done all the things I so desperately wanted to do.

“I should go. I just wanted to drop the player off, but I have mass tonight.”

Lyric grinned at me, like she could read every dirty thought in my head. “Mmm-hmm. Sure you do. See you later.”

I turned and left the apartment, dick hard for wanting her and as stiff as the rest of me.

I’d need a week straight of masses to forgive the violence I wanted to rain down on Lleyton just because he was the lucky asshole she’d chosen to go to bed with.



“You look like shit, Augie.”

I wouldn’t normally greet someone with such a blunt insult, but he was getting worse by the day. He’d always had the high cheekbones and chiseled jaw of a model, but lately, his cheeks had hollowed out to an unhealthy degree, and dark circles took up the space beneath his sea-blue eyes. Harsh frown lines had become a permanent fixture on his paling face, which made me think he hadn’t even been surfing lately.

As much as he and I bickered, I couldn’t handle seeing him like this.

“Hello to you, too, sunshine.” He opened his locker with such force it slammed back against mine with a clang of metal on metal. “Are we starting the night off with insults? Your hair extensions are cheap.”

Normally I would have flipped him the bird and insulted him right back because that was how he and I rolled. But tonight, my worry for him overcame the need for smart-ass retorts. “You’re late.”

He shrugged. “So? You Eve now? What do you care?”

I narrowed my gaze at him. “I care because we were worried something happened to you. That you crashed your stupid bike on the way here or something. We called you a bunch of times.”

He slammed his locker shut again and spun to glare at me, arms spread wide. “Well, I’m here now, aren’t I? Still in one fucking piece. Get off my case, Lyric.”

Oh, he was such an asshole. I loved him like a brother, but I could also punch him like one too. I stood and shoved two hands against his chest. “Where were you?”

He was clearly startled by the force of the shove. His shoulder blades hit the lockers, and his eyes turned dark. “Not your business.”

I shoved him again. “Yeah, asshole. It is my business because you’re the brother I never fucking wanted, which means it’s my job to go all sisterly on you. Which means telling you the fucking truth. You. Look. Like. Shit. You reek of booze and smokes and women.”

He shrugged. “I party, Lyric. This isn’t new. And you aren’t my fucking family.”

I took a step back, hurt by the accusation. He was right. Augie liked a good time, and it was no secret he supplemented his stripping income with additional sources of the less legal variety. He was a ridiculously attractive man who welcomed both men and women into his bed at night, as long as they paid well. I didn’t judge him for it. We all did what we had to do, and until recently, Augie had seemed to enjoy his lifestyle, so we’d all left him to it.

But that had changed when Fawn went missing.

Everything had changed, and none of it for the better. None of us were moving on. How could we, when there was no closure and every moment was filled with questions and fear? Eve was burying herself in Boston. I was distracting myself with Zeph. Augie seemed hell-bent on drinking and smoking and fucking himself into an early grave.

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