Page 41 of Unholy Sins

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He pulled back. “So…”

“So, that baby you want…”

His breath hitched, and he shook his head slightly, like he didn’t quite know what to make of me. “What are you saying?”

I pushed his finger up inside my wet core and whispered the words I’d been thinking about for weeks, ever since he’d first broached the subject of wanting babies with me. Neither of us were spring chickens. We were both in our thirties. We’d both messed around with enough other relationships to know a good thing when we had it.

Boston was a good thing. The very best thing.

Though his initial idea of having a baby had come as a surprise, and I’d put it down to his fear in losing me the night Fawn had been taken, now it felt right. He was right.Wewere right. In a storm where everything else felt wrong and out of control, this was one thing we had that no one else could touch. Him. Me. And a little family we could create together. Right now, because my body said we could, if he just agreed.

“Make a baby with me, Josh. I love you, that’s all I know. I need more love. More light. Something to hope for. We all need that. I’m ready. Fuck, I’m so ready to be someone’s mom. And I’m scared. Terrified really. But every time I get scared, I picture you there by my side…”

“Fucking it up right alongside you?” He laughed.

I grinned. “Fucking it up. Doing it all wrong. But doing it together. Loving that baby like nobody else could.” I swallowed thickly. “Being a family.”

His smile turned wide, and he shook his head slowly as he bent it to speak against my lips. “I love you. So fucking much. And I’m gonna love our baby even more.”

Butterflies lit me up inside. A flood of hope and happiness I hadn’t felt in weeks washed over me, and I drew him closer. “We’re doing this?” I asked, eyes wide. “Really? We aren’t just fucking around?”

His grip on me tightened. “It’s never been just fucking around for me, Eve. I’d marry you right—”

I put my finger to his lips. “Shh. Don’t say that. We just agreed to make a baby. Let’s just have that for now. Anything more makes it feel too good to be true.”

He nodded, kissing my fingertip. “Then take these panties off and lean over the desk, Evil. Because you aren’t getting knocked up by my finger.”

I grinned into his mouth as he kissed me deeply, his fingers hooking into the side of my panties to drag them over my ass and down my legs. He spun me, doing exactly as he’d promised, bending me over the desk, face to the wooden top, ass in the air while he undid his belt buckle.

He knew I loved it from behind, and my knees trembled with the anticipation. My nipples were hard against the desktop, and my core ached, dripping with need for him.

I craned my head to watch him undress, until he was as naked as I was. His dick was thick and hard, erect and just waiting to spear inside me.

He never did that though. He always had to test me first. Bring me to the edge and draw it out, because the longer he played my body, the longer I didn’t think. He knelt on the threadbare carpet and spread my thighs.

“I never get sick of the sight of you bared to me like this, Eve. Never.”

My legs trembled, but his mouth on my core had me moaning in pleasure. I gripped the edge of the table, shamelessly grinding back against his face and then his hand when he gave me two fingers to ride.

He brought me to the edge of orgasm quickly, because the man knew my body inside out and could make me come practically on command. His every touch was determined and well placed. His tongue perfection.

He was mine. Made for me in every way possible, and when he leaned over me and drove his cock inside me, it only cemented how perfect he was. He slammed into me over and over until I was on the verge of coming. When I moaned his name, no care given to who might hear, he pulled out, spun me around, and lifted me onto the desk.

The move took me by surprise, because our normal was to finish in doggy. We both loved it. But when I looked at him questioningly, he just tugged my ass to the edge of the desk and wrapped my legs around him, lining himself up with my opening.

“I want to be kissing you when I come, Eve. I want to know our baby was made while I held his mother tight and promised her forever.”

A sudden sob welled up in my throat and I nodded, gripping both sides of his face. “Okay.”

He rocked himself back and forth inside me, thrusting slowly now, each press of his dick hitting my G-spot, his pubic bone rubbing against my clit until my pending orgasm was back and begging for release.

“I love you,” he whispered, jacking up the pace.

“I love you too.”

His mouth connected with mine, and it was beautiful and sweet and hot. I spiraled over the edge into an orgasm with a rush of color and need and desire, his cock deep inside me, ready to do the same.

“Oh, for Christ’s sake, you two,” Lyric called from the other side of the door. “Could you quit fucking where I can see it? Dry as the Sahara over here, you know.” She yanked the handle, closing the door the rest of the way.

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