Page 106 of Unholy Sins

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“Perks of being high up in the ranks, I guess.” Zeph’s tone had a hint of bitterness.

I couldn’t blame him after seeing the tiny place he lived in.

I gazed at the big house. “I don’t understand how such a pretty building can house such evil.”

He parked the car, jerking the handbrake up and unclicking his seat belt. His eyes darkened. “Let’s go relieve it of its burden.”

It was a look I’d seen before, but this time, it made me shiver.

Zeph noticed, and when he rounded the car, meeting me at the front, he wrapped me in his arms. “I don’t want you to be scared of me.”

“I’m not,” I said truthfully. “I know you won’t hurt me.”

But I couldn’t say the same for the man inside.

I didn’t care.

Zeph clamped his fingers around mine and stormed up the short driveway. He didn’t bother knocking. Didn’t even bother checking to see if the door was unlocked.

One hard kick from his booted foot, and the door splintered, breaking in two, one half jammed on the lock, the other flying open and hitting the wall behind it.

Screams came from somewhere down the hall. A woman stuck her head out into the hallway, took one look at the two of us, and hurried back inside.

“Hey!” Zeph shouted, storming forward but then glancing over at me, eyes wide. “I fucking remember this place. Not with Byron running it, but I remember that room. I came here while they preached at me. How long has this shit been going on?”

There was no time to unpack his childhood trauma. Not if my daughter was in that room. I ran ahead, skidding to a stop in the open doorway.

“Please!” the woman begged, arms stretched out, with several small girls huddled behind her. “This is a house of God! They’re just children! Take what you want, but leave us alone.”


From behind the woman’s leg, my little red-haired daughter peeped.

I broke in two, slumping to my knees, relief pouring through me at the sight of her. I opened my arms, and then she was in them, both of us crying and clutching at each other.

“I’m so sorry, Mommy. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to be bad. I didn’t mean to make you angry. Please don’t send me away.”

I pulled back from her, studying her worried face. The pinch of her fair eyebrows. The big eyes that begged for forgiveness.

I stroked my hand over her hair, shaking my head. “What are you talking about? You aren’t bad, Slugger. I would never send you away.”

“The lady said…”

I stood to my full height, glaring at the woman. “What lies did you feed my child?”

The woman shook her head. “I don’t understand. These girls are from foster care. Their parents abandoned them.”

“Is that the story they’ve been spinning? You’ve been sorely misinformed.”

The woman covered her mouth, true shock on her face. “I don’t understand. I’m so sorry. I need to get Father Byron, and we can sort this out.”

“Where is he?” Zeph growled so deeply the woman flinched.

She silently pointed upstairs.

Zeph slammed his way up the stairs, shouting Byron’s name at the top of his lungs, his voice as sharp as razor blades.

I gathered Amelia into my arms, checking her all over. “Did anyone hurt you, baby? You aren’t in trouble. I just need to know.”

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