Page 78 of Evil Enemy

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I pouted, enjoying the way he sucked my nipple. Despite the fact we’d basically been having sex for the past fourteen or something hours, every time he touched me, my body lit right up for him again. “You people who work while the sun is up are no fun. If you stayed home, I could show you all the other secrets I have…”

“I’ll quit today.”

I laughed. “No you won’t. You love your job.”

He drew away from my breasts and shrugged. “Not so sure I do, to be honest.”

I frowned. “You do. It’s just tough right now after Jayela’s murder…”

He nodded stiffly. “It’s more than that, though.” He forced a smile. “But nothing worth getting into right now when you’re naked in my bed. What time are you working tonight?”

“No work. It’s family night at the club.”

He put on his boxer briefs, and I pouted as his completely perfect cock disappeared inside them. Even more devastating was watching him pull his uniform on, his abs disappearing one by one beneath the buttons.

“Stay here until then? I like knowing you’re in my bed naked, even when I’m not home. I’ll go down to the club and make sure the protestors have all moved on, but until then, stay. Sleep.”

Boston’s bed was heavenly comfortable, and sleep was already calling me. I had no desire to leave, and my car wasn’t here anyway. “Deal. Meet you at the club later?”

He stopped in the doorway. “For family night? Isn’t that a sacred place? You really want me to come?”

He looked so pleased with the notion that I pushed up off the bed and crossed the space between us, wrapping my naked body around his fully clothed one. “Everybody who is important to me is welcome.”

“I’m important, huh?”

“Yeah, Joshua. You are.”

He claimed my mouth in a searing kiss, grasping my chin and holding me there while he branded me. “Get back into bed. Sleep. I’ll see you later.” He eyed the dildo we’d left discarded on the sheets. “Don’t have too much fun without me.” He winked as he walked out of his room.

Cocky. Maybe I’d sleep for a little while, and then Little Boston and I could make a new video for Big Boston. I tucked myself back into the sheets and crashed out with a happy and sated smile on my face.

* * *

Hours later, after sleeping most of the day away, I stepped into the shower off Boston’s bedroom and let the water cascade down over me. Every inch of my body was deliciously sore from a night of continual sex, and I was quietly glad the club wasn’t open tonight. I wasn’t sure I was up for dancing. More sex, perhaps, but grinding up and down a pole while my pussy was still in the after effects of so many orgasms was a recipe for disaster.

My phone was ringing when I stepped out from beneath the spray, Fawn’s smiling face flashing on the screen.

“Hey, sweet thing.” I put the phone on speaker so I had both hands free to get dressed. “What’s up?”

“Everything,” she wailed.

“Dramatic much?”

“No! I swear, I’m not. I can’t do this. This course is too hard, and I’m just not smart enough for it. Everybody else in my class picks it up the minute the teacher explains it, but I’ve been reading over this textbook for three hours now and I still don’t get it. I’m going to fail and let you down, and waste your money and then I’ll have to leave the club because I’ve disappointed you and—”

“Whoa, whoa. Slow down. Nobody is failing anything or letting anyone down. Take a deep breath. You’re struggling with your homework?”

“It’s a payroll module, and there’s all this stuff about taxes, and I swear, Eve. I’ve tried to understand it myself, but it’s like trying to read Spanish, which I never learned!”

I nodded to myself, pulling on Boston’s hoodie and smiling at the fact it smelled exactly like him. “I remember from when I did the course. And I do that stuff all the time when I’m doing payroll at the club. It sucks. It’s why I wanted you to do the course so I could hand it all off to you.” I chuckled. I didn’t mention that Fawn was like the child I was never going to have, and I just wanted to help her better herself in any way possible. Education was important, a fact I’d only realized well after I’d ditched school in favor of stripping. Fawn was smart, but nobody had ever told her that growing up. The woman had no confidence. I believed in her, and this course was not above her capabilities, as long as she got out of her own head. “Listen, I’m at Boston’s place—”

She squealed. “You are? Tell me every detail!”

“Nope, not a chance. I’ll come over and help you with your homework, and for every question you get right, I’ll tell you about one sexual thing we did.”

“There’s thirty questions.”

“Not gonna be a problem.”

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