Page 76 of Evil Enemy

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“Is that even possible? Is this just some fight your parents are having? Maybe they’re just throwing around accusations, trying to hurt each other, and you got caught in the crossfire.”

Eve shook her head slowly, her wet hair settling over her shoulders. “I think it’s true. My mother can’t lie to save a life. I could hear it in her voice. She was more concerned with yelling at my father for telling me, then trying to deny it. I can’t even imagine how she would have met William, though? They don’t exactly run in the same circles.”

“That’s probably a story she’ll have to tell you. Or he will.”

“I doubt he’s gonna tell me anything. The man wanted his own daughter dead. Nice!” Her laugh was bitter.

“We still don’t know for sure that it was him who organized the drive-by.”

“Don’t we? Seems even more obvious to me now. I’m a great dirty pimple in his past. All it would take is one inquisitive journalist to dig deep and find out about me and blow his whole campaign out of the water. Maybe he decided running me out of town was the easier option. And maybe the drive-by was more about scaring me. But that just goes to show my own father doesn’t know me at all.” She rubbed her knuckles across her chest, like she was trying to erase an ache. “Honestly. I’m never having kids. Every parental figure in my life has let me down in one way or another.”

There was anger in her tone, but I heard the hurt behind it. Somewhere deep inside her tough bravado was a vulnerable side who had been disappointed over and over again.

Suddenly she let out a laugh that didn’t sound strained or fake. She stood and crossed the room, picking something up from the top of my chest of drawers. She spun around with an amused grin, the massive purple dildo with my name on the side clutched in her fingers. “What’s this doing here?”

I chuckled. “It was a gift from this crazy girl I arrested.”

“I can’t believe you kept it. I thought for sure it would have gone straight in the trash.”

“It has my name on it. That would have been kind of rude after you went to the trouble of getting it personalized.”

She buried her face in her hands. “I really am sorry. That was all Lyric and Fawn.” She gave the dildo an experimental wobble. “So, what’s it been doing here all this time? Have you used it?” A wicked glint sparkled in her eye, and relief flooded in. The Eve I knew seemed to be bouncing back.

“I haven’t been with anyone since I met you.”

“Dildos aren’t just for women, you know? Perhaps you…”

I realized what she was talking about. “Really?”

She giggled. “Don’t pretend like you don’t know that some guys love that.”

I crossed the room and took it from her hand. “There is something I’ve been thinking about doing with it.”

She looked up, curiosity written all over her face.

I pressed the dildo between her legs. She was still fully clothed, but the gasp she let out made my dick hard. “I kinda want to fuck you with it, Eve.”

Her whole body trembled. A head-to-toe shiver, complete with lust lighting up her eyes.

I groaned. “You want that, don’t you?”

“God, yes. I started thinking about it the minute I saw that dildo with your name on it.”

I pulled her tight, pressing my forehead to hers. “Could you be any more perfect?”

“You don’t even know all my secrets yet. So yeah. Maybe I can be. Take my clothes off, I’ll show you.”

She didn’t need to tell me twice. A part of me knew she was using sex as a distraction from what had happened at the club earlier, but I was more than willing to be that for her. She was my girl now, and I was going to do everything in my power to make sure she was happy. If I could take away the last lingering signs of pain by distracting her with orgasms, then I was ready to take up the challenge.

Her clothes were lost in the blink of an eye, and then I was laying her out on my bed. She was almost too stunning to be real, and I went straight for the core of her, spreading her legs wide and plunging my tongue inside her wicked heat.

I’d worked this out last night. I’d tasted her, drowned in her arousal, and brought her to orgasm more times than I could remember. I loved the way her fingers speared into my hair, holding me tight to her pussy, while she ground against my face, completely unashamed about taking her pleasure. My tongue plunged in and out, but I resisted the urge to press my fingers inside her. She palmed her own tits, squeezing her nipples, writhing while I worked her up. When I moved away, she groaned in frustration.

“Don’t stop,” she panted.

I just chuckled. I loved how eager she was. How she’d been just as needy and desperate for me as I was for her. The phone call with her mother, nor the protesters, had dampened her need for me. And I fully intended to have her screaming my name.

I opened my bedside drawer, pulling out a tube of lubricant. I squeezed a generous amount onto the tip of the dildo, smoothing it down the ridged surface while Eve watched me with her eyes at half-mast. She was already so wet, but I wanted to be doubly sure she could take it. The dildo really was big.

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