Page 69 of Evil Enemy

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He slouched in his chair, staring up at me from beneath the brim of his hat. “You were amazing.”

I grinned. “That was nothing. Just the beginning.” I put my hands down on the armrests of his chair and gyrated my body slowly toward him. That move was always a winner with guys who I thought might pay extra for a private room, where I would actually get completely naked. It showed off my best assets—my boobs—and got me close to them without actually making a skin-to-skin connection.

His eyes widened, and he reached toward my face.

I caught his hand. “No. No touching.”

I rolled up his body again, letting my long hair form a barrier between us and the rest of the club. He leaned in slightly, so his breath tickled my earlobe. “That’s not what you were saying the other night when you were holding my mouth to your pussy.”

Holy shit. I pulled back, blinking at him in surprise. And here I was, thinking I was the seductress. I spun around, grinding my ass over his lap instead, just to give myself a break from the intensity of his eyes. The temptation to lean in and kiss him was too strong, and I wouldn’t do that here. Not in front of this club full of people. If I broke the rules once and let a man kiss me, then all the others would think it was okay to try their luck. It wasn’t. I might let them touch my leg. Or maybe my hip. But every other part of me was off limits. They could look, but they couldn’t touch.

Not unless I said so.

And I never said so. Not one man had I ever allowed to touch me intimately while I was working.

But Boston wasn’t just any man. “Eve,” he groaned from behind me. “You’re getting me hard.”

More composed, I turned around and took a look at his lap in the dim light. Sure enough, his fly strained, holding back an erection.

I leaned in again. “Good. Hang on to it until after my shift and I’ll help you take care of it.”

“Have you got private rooms?”

I raised an eyebrow. I hadn’t forgotten he was a cop who’d originally come here to prove we were a sex club. Though most of that distrust had disappeared, there was one thing my mama had taught me that I actually did stand by.

Never trust someone with all that you have.

It was good advice.

“For dancing? Yes. It’ll cost you, though,” I joked, not really willing to charge him for something I wanted to do for free.

But he took me seriously. “I don’t care. Take my credit card and charge whatever you want. I just want to be alone with you.”

I swallowed hard. Then stood up straight and offered him my hand.

He put his hand in mine, and our palms met, tingles shooting from the place we were joined. I pulled him up and led the way to the back of the club where we had several smaller rooms we saved for private dances.

All three were vacant, though they never stayed that way for long. I took the first one, my favorite, and led the way inside.

“Shut the door behind you.” But then a thought popped into my head. “Unless you wanted more than one dancer? Some men like to pay for two.”

He kicked the door shut and prowled across the room. “What do you think?” he growled.

I skittered out of the way, wagging a finger in his face. “Nope. Same rules apply in here. No touching, mister.” I pointed to a couch set up with fluffy cushions. It sat atop a thick rug, and a lamp to one side let off a dim glow. It was staged to feel like an extravagant living room, designed to make patrons feel like they were at home, and that we danced only for them, and not for money. There was a pole, though, in case we felt like putting on a show, or in case they requested one.

He eyed the pole as he passed but sank down onto the couch as instructed. These rooms were close to soundproof, and only the barest hint of the beat from the main rooms filtered through. I moved to the corner and hit ‘play’ on the small stereo we kept there for this purpose exactly.

A sexy beat started up, and I made my way back to Boston, standing in front of him.

His gaze was fire, filled with need, and I rubbed my thighs together, creating the tiniest amount of friction at my core.

“Dance for me, Eve. Just for me.”

I closed my eyes, drowning in the possessive growl of his voice. And then I danced. Differently to how I would have out on the stage, differently even to how I danced when I was booked for a private room. Normally I just went through the motions. But the way I moved my body for Boston was a seduction. A striptease in its truest form. I wasn’t just shaking my tits and ass, taking off clothes and throwing them around the room to give some random stranger a cheap thrill. The song was slow, and so I moved in the same way, pulling my hair off my neck, only to let it fall down my back. I trailed my fingers across my collarbone, noticing the way Boston followed my every movement with his lusty-eyed gaze. I traced a path between my breasts and then lower over my stomach and the tops of my thighs.

I twirled around, flicking my hair, then searching for his eyes once more.

He sat back against the couch, one arm along the back, legs spread wide. His erection still tented his jeans, but he made no move to touch himself. Every inch of him was trained on me.

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