Page 48 of Evil Enemy

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Terry shoved the piece of paper in the guy’s face.

The redhead held his hands up in surrender. “I didn’t!”

I didn’t recognize him. He wasn’t one of our regulars, but that didn’t mean he hadn’t been in here before. We had a lot of patrons who came once or twice on a bucks night, then not again for months or even years. “My man Terry here says you did.” I glanced at Terry for confirmation.

He nodded. “Definitely him, boss.”

Half the club was staring at us. I couldn’t blame them. It had been an eventful night.

The man reached out to me, then thought better of it when Terry let out a low growl. He went with a verbal explanation instead. “No, I mean, I did give it to him. But it’s not from me. Some woman gave it to me while I was standing in line outside. Asked me to give it to the stripper.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “Who was the woman? Which stripper did she mean?”

“No idea. Never seen her before. She didn’t say which of you.”

I waited for Terry to confirm or deny the plausibility of the man’s story.

He shrugged. “I just assumed he meant you because you were on stage at the time he came in.”

“You believe this guy?”

Redhead jumped in with a shaking voice. The guy looked like he was about to piss his pants. “I swear, I’ve never even been in here before. I’m not even from around here, just visiting a friend.”

“It’s true,” one of the guy’s friends interrupted. “Some woman pulled up in a Porsche and told us to give it to you.”

“You get a plate number?” I asked.

The young guy shrugged. “No, sorry. It didn’t even cross my mind. I just thought she was delivering mail.”

“In a Porsche? At nearly midnight?” I demanded.

The guy shrugged again.

Terry let him go, and the two of us walked away. “Jesus Christ,” he muttered. “Twenty-somethings are fucking stupid.”

I glanced up at him and grinned. “Spoken like a true old man. Though I won’t take insult since I’m thirty. You believe him?”

Terry nodded. “Yeah. You?”

I nodded.

Terry handed over the paper. “You worried about this?”

“Not worried. Pissed off.”

“Got any ideas who it’s from? If you hadn’t just run your cop buddy out of the club, I might have suggested you tell him about it.”

I scoffed. “That won’t be happening. I’ve got a pretty good idea who it’s from anyway.”

“Want to share your theory?”

“There was a Porsche parked in William Reed’s driveway when I was there the other night.”

Terry raised an eyebrow. “You think it’s from him?”

“Or his old lady maybe. She’s hosting that fundraiser the same night as our penis politician party, and her thing is getting no love on social media.”

“While ours is getting a ton of attention.”

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