Page 27 of Evil Enemy

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Jayela twisted in her seat to face me. “Nobody cares if you own a massive dildo, Josh.”

She was the only person who called me that. And she generally saved it for when it was just the two of us, like right now. We’d been best friends since the first day of academy, when she’d waltzed right over, sized me up, and declared I could be her friend. My lips lifted a little at the memory. “I don’t own a massive dildo. It’s Eve’s.”



Her eyes widened. “From the strip club?”

I nodded.

“Spill the freaking tea. Why does Eve Hawkins have a dildo with your name on it?” She let out a low whistle. “I mean, I could have cut the sexual tension between the two of you with a knife it was that thick, but fill me in on what I’ve missed. No, wait, just skip to the good bits. Did you sleep with her?”

“What? No! Of course not.”

“All right, all right, settle down. Do you like her?”

I went quiet.

“She obviously likes you.”

“How do you figure that? She tried to humiliate me with a dildo with my name on it. If that doesn’t say she thinks I’m a dick, I don’t know what does.”

Jayela stared at me for a long moment then burst into laughter. “My God, men are so dumb. Did you ever name your car? When you were in high school or something?”

“Sure. Had a truck named Big Red.”

She rolled her eyes. “Original. You ever named anything else?”

“Such as? I can tell you’re fishing for something in particular here.”

She grinned. “Ever named your dick?”

I laughed. “No. Have you?”

She tucked her hands behind her head and shifted back on her chair, spreading her legs wide. “Oh, Joshy. If I had a dick, it would have the manliest name around. Thor, maybe? Or… Henry.”

I snorted. “Henry?”

She shrugged. “After Henry Cavill.” She sat up straight again, resuming her normal position. “Anyway, point being, people name things. I don’t think she named her dildo Boston because she thinks you’re a dick. More likely because she’s thinking of you when shewantssome dick.” She wriggled her eyebrows suggestively. “If you know what I’m saying.”

“Subtle isn’t exactly you’re middle name. It would be hard to not know what you’re saying.”

I mulled over the idea, but it seemed incredibly arrogant to even consider she could be interested enough to name her sex toy after me.

But now Jayela had put it out there, the very idea made my balls ache. “At least it’s a big dildo,” I mused.

Jayela snorted. “A fitting tribute to Kong.”


She tilted her head quizzically. “You don’t like that?” She glanced at my lap, then back up at my face with a wicked grin. “Ted? Rhino? Pointy?”

I shoved her in the shoulder as she dissolved into laughter. “Shut up. Quit trying to name my junk.”

Her laughter cut off sharply as she leaned forward, peering out the windshield. “Shit. Movement at the house. Where’s my camera?”

A wave of guilt washed over me. Five hundred meters down the road, the Saint View Sinners home base sat like an ugly blip on the landscape, the run-down residence on the verge of being condemned.

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