Page 11 of Evil Enemy

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“For what? Harassment? You only just released me!”

“We’ve had a tip-off that there’s illegal practices being played out here.” His gaze strayed momentarily from my face, dipping once down my body.

My nipples hardened. Shit.

I crossed my arms over my chest, hoping he hadn’t noticed the effect of his gaze on my body.

Boston turned away so quickly that I instantly knew my cover-up job hadn’t been in time. He tapped the table nearest to him. “On your way, boys. Club is closed for the night.”

“Hey!” I jumped down from the stage and put myself between him and the table of men. “You can’t do that. You can’t just close down my club in the middle of the show.”

His gaze clashed with mine. This time it held no hint of the heat that had been there moments before.

“I just did.”

To my dismay, the house lights came on, and one by one, the club patrons trickled out. Augie and Phoenix came in, pulling on robes, Augie shouting about the lights being on and the music cutting out. He stopped when he saw Boston and his partner and then turned to me for answers. “What the hell?”

I just shook my head, my irritation rising with every passing minute. But my number one concern was always my staff. “Don’t,” I told Augie, knowing how volatile he was. “Just chill, okay? Don’t get arrested again.”

“Good advice,” Boston quipped. “You all need to take a seat and stay there while we conduct a search. You may be questioned afterward.”

Fawn sat quickly and obediently. Lyric, still topless, defiantly sitting down after her. Phoenix offered Lyric his robe, but she refused it, and the two men sat down as well.

All four looked to me for guidance.

“Sit, Eve.” Boston’s tone was no-nonsense.

“I’ll sit when you learn to quit talking to me like I’m one of your German Shepherd dogs.”

Boston’s expression flickered, but he didn’t apologize.

His partner, a smaller, dark-haired woman called out that she’d start in the front and he could start at the back. Boston nodded, and with a final glance in my direction, he swiveled, storming out of sight.

Lyric inched her seat closer to me, eyes trained on Boston’s retreating figure. “I could just give him a freebie…” she whispered, a question in her tone. “Get him off our case…”

Jealousy stabbed through me, quick and fast and foreign.

I knew what Lyric was offering. And I loved her for it. These were the times where I really believed that these people I worked with were family. My true family. Not ones that shared my blood or my genetics. But a true family who loved each other. They’d do anything for me, just like I’d do anything for them.

But I wasn’t going to let her do that with Boston. The thought of her naked body writhing all over his, his hands on her hips, guiding her movements as she gyrated over his lap, erection straining behind his work pants….

I slammed my eyes closed.

“It’ll work,” she insisted. “It always has in the past.”

She was right. It was the way of things around here. Every so often, the cops came sniffing around for one reason or another.

I shook my head. “No. I’ll do it.”

They’d all been easily bribed. Boston would be no different.



In the locker room of Saint View Strip Club, I found myself lost in a maze of glittery bras, tiny miniskirts, and skimpy underwear. And it was my job to search through all of it.

Eve’s name was written on a strip of tape across a beat-up metal locker that had perhaps once been white, but was now scratched and dented to the point the locker didn’t even close properly.

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