Page 47 of Controlled

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“When we are alone or you have asked me to offer the opinion, and I must always remain respectful.”

“Good girl.”

She waited for the next flurry of spanks, but they never came. Glancing over her shoulder, she found Draven standing where Noratu had been a moment before. Now the real punishment would begin.

“Head forward,” he snapped.

He never wanted her to know what was coming, knew anticipation added to the intensity. She turned her head back around and took several deep breaths, trying to relax.

“These are not new concepts,” Draven told her. “So this correction is going to be harsh. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Master D.”

“You will count the strikes as I deliver them and thank me when the lesson is over.”

She licked her lips, her breathing already speeding up. “I understand, Master D.”

“Then let’s begin.”

She heard a soft whistle and then something impacted both cheeks. Time paused, her body refusing to register the intensity. Reality slammed through her shock and fiery pain sliced across her bottom. She cried out, arching her back and rocking onto the balls of her feet.

Holy mother of God, that hurt! What the hell was he using on her?

“Count,” he prompted.

“One,” she cried, no longer sure she could calmly accept this.

The implement landed again and she sneaked a look under her arm. It was a long, semi-rigid rod, like a synthetic cane. How could something so small cause so much pain?

“Count.” He slapped her with his hand to reinforce the reminder.

“Two,” she supplied, voice trembling. “How many?”

“I will tell you when we are finished.”

Strikes three and four came with hardly a pause in between. She counted as she danced from foot to foot. The impact was not that hard, just a quick snap. But the resulting sting bit sharply and the heat sank deeper and spread faster than with any form of discipline she’d experienced before.

“Stand still and accept your punishment or I will add to the count.”

“Yes, Master D.” She clutched her discarded dress, but settled her feet on the floor.

He brought the rod down again and she cried out. Not being allowed to move made the pain seem worse somehow. A violent shudder passed through her, but she remembered to count. “Five.”

He reached between her thighs and traced her slit. “I wasn’t sure if this would get you wet. It is harsher than you are accustomed to.”

She had no doubt she was wet, could probably come if he rubbed her clit for two seconds. “Does that please you, Master?”

“You know it does.” He pushed his fingers inside her, leisurely fucking her needy hole. “But the lesson is not over. We need to make sure your misbehavior does not happen again.”

He removed his fingers and resumed the spanking.

She cried out sharply with each stinging snap, even managed to remember to count out the strokes. “Nine,” she sobbed. “I’m sorry I embarrassed you. I will never do it again.”

“I know you mean that, but I think you need a reminder.” He delivered another swat.

“Ten,” she wailed, her legs shaking so badly she was not sure how long they would continue to support her.

“We are finished with that part of the lesson.”

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