Page 6 of His Human Mate

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“They won’t do a thing to stop me from claiming what’s mine, little mate,” he returned, enjoying the way her breathing tightened at the word mate. “You’re mine and not one of them can challenge me on it. They aren’t strong enough to override me.”

“They can take you out. They outnumber you twenty to one,” she argued, her hand still gripping that blade tight.

Landon simply smiled, enjoying the view of her abundant breasts swaying as she breathed in hard. She was fucking gorgeous. Small but curvy making his mouth water for a true taste of her.

“Ah but they wouldn’t dare even if they could fight my dominance,” he stated making her brows rise a hint higher. “Come now, even you have to know about the alpha dominances my sweet little human mate.”

“You aren’t their alpha or their territory alpha,” she said, still not covering herself making his wolf hungrier for her. Her little movements made the shifter stench grow as well though, and Landon caught her wrist, lifting her hand with the blade up to his heart.

“I’m Landon Ellston, son of the alpha regent,” he stated sending her mouth open. “There is no one able to resist our command—not even the scum that trapped us. They were only safe from me because of that cage. You are safe from my anger because you are my mate, but any of the men that have touched you,hadyou are not,” he added pulling a gasp from her lips.

He wanted to hear it over and over as he took her and his hands slid down to the belt keeping her pants up, jerking it off her with one snap. “You know what a mate possessed is like, yes?”

She nodded her body trembling a bit as he continued to hold the knife to his heart.

“Then you should know I’m on the brink. A mate on a normal day is ready to kill anything that touches what’s his. This is not a normal day. I have been stuck in that cage for six weeks, my wolf was ready to snap already. Now, here you stand.Mymate, covered in scent that is not ours. He’s beyond the breaking point.I’mbeyond the breaking point, little mate. You have two options unless you drive this knife into my heart right the fuck now,” he warned, her hand trembling under his, releasing her grip on the knife making the tip barely scratch his skin pulling a hiss from his lips as the wolfsbane spread through it.

He tossed the knife aside, pulling her body against his, her breasts crushed against him. His wolf let out a shout that rumbled up his throat and he lowered his face to her neck, breathing in her scent.

Fury flashed through him finding another male scent on her there and he put her down, stepping back from her as his muscles rippled trying to hold back his wolf. “You either get your little ass in that shower and wash yourself, or I’m doing it myself. And if I have to do it, my cock is going to be buried in every one of your holes before you’re out of it, and I can guarantee, that sexy little ass of yours will wear my mark for weeks.”

Her eyes widened, mouth opening but no words came from her. Landon gripped the edge of the doorframe tightly leaning down towards her. “Five seconds, baby, then I do it my way.

“Four…three…two…” he counted down, more than ready to do everything he told her he would when she jerked back, hurrying into the bathroom space as he moved after her. She began to shut the door and his hand came down on it hard, pulling her head around to look at him.

“You said,” she began and he leaned down, kissing her lips stopping her words.

“You can wash yourself or I can do it for you,” he stated, a smirk settling onto his lips as he watched her eyes darken. They were gorgeous green pools with soft yellowish flecks, and he could happily drown in their sweetness. “Never said I wasn’t going to watch you either way.”

“Landon…” Her breathy moan of his name brought another growl to his throat and she moved further into the room quickly, turning on the water. It sent a wave of steam towards the ceiling and he gripped his cock tight when she glanced back at him.

“You wash every inch of what belongs to me, baby. If I smell one man still on you, I’ll murder him for having what’s mine. You tell me you never wanted any of them to touch you and I’ll still murder them,” he added, unable to stop the moan that fell when she slid out of the baggy cargo pants as well as the tight black ones underneath them, letting him see every bit of her sexy curves.

“They didn’t touch me like that,” she said, pulling his eyes open. It almost sent him to his knees. Her body was wet, her curls dripping, the dirt on her gorgeous face gone.

“Don’t lie to me,” he warned harshly moving towards her. Too harshly he knew as she lurched backwards a bit. His hands gripped the sink stopping him from going further into the room as he drug in deep breaths. “You were covered in not one, not two, not even justthreedifferent scents. Stupid wolves that don’t know to wait for theirmatesand just want sex…”

The porcelain snapped under his hands, slamming into the floor as he shut his eyes once more, trying to calm himself, his wolf. His teeth grinded together tightly until something wet smacked him in the chest bringing his eyes open again.

“They were on the clothes, you stupid idiot,” she snapped, hands planted on her hips as she glared at him. It was the sexiest thing he ever seen in his entire life and his mouth watered wanting more, needing more. “How the hell else was I going to convince them I was a shifter to get into the cage? I wasn’t going to leave Ashton in there any longer.”

“You don’t say another man’s name while you’re naked and wet for me,” he snapped in return storming over to her. “Don’t tell me your pussy’s not soaked for me either. You want to be fucked then that’s what you’ll get, butonlyby me from here forward,” he added pulling her up against him.

“I’d seen them throw a shifter in the cage, saw it force the shift and knew if I could get into it, I could get him out. That’s all I was doing. We covered my scent with theirs, everywhere that was visible. I wasn’t sleeping with them.” Her breathy voice made his cock swell further and he lowered his face to her neck, rubbing his nose against where he was putting his claim, making her moan.

“Andhim?” he couldn’t stop from asking.

“Ashton…” she gasped as he pushed her into the wall, his hand cupping her pussy pulling her eyes up to his.

“You don’t talk about other men when you’re naked and hungry for cock, little mate.”

She didn’t begin to deny she wanted it. There was no way she could hide it, not from him. Not with her hot pussy in his hand.

“He’s my best friend.”

“Not helping yourself, baby,” he warned holding her a hint tighter as he pressed the heel of his hand against her clit.

“He’s my brother,” she said, and he grounded his hand into her clit, pulling the orgasm from her along with a slight yelp when he gave her pussy a spank.

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