Page 74 of His Lucky Paige

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“That again? Kendra said smacking his arm. “Don’t you boys do anything besides make bets?”

“Nope never…”

“You know I think I should call Walter and see how long he’ll need to prepare for a wedding,” Cord stated.

“I’d hold off on that for just now,” Tristan warned. “Paige might be happy right now, but I think we need to know why she’s so happy to know how long it’ll last.”

“He’s right,” Jesse agreed. “Paige can get moody, I’m sure that’s nothing new to anyone here, but happiness like that…something big is going on and I’d like to know what.”

“Maybe she finally came to her senses and realized that Joel loves her as much as she loves him and always has,” Kendra suggested.

“I don’t know but it’s certainly something to hope for,” Craig said.

“Think we could convince her to give us jobs?” Moose asked.

“I sure as hell hope so because I cannot work for Wayne anymore. That guy is a piece of work. I thought he was an ass when Paige was around but now, I don’t care what I drive or where I drive it, if I don’t get away from him, I’m gonna run him over with something and make it look like an accident,” Rabbit agreed.

“I’m sure you could but I think it’d be better if we could pull Paige back onto the team and oust Wayne,” Hillary stated.

“Actually, Wayne’s on his way out,” Jesse told them. “Paige made a call to someone higher up than him and he’s being given the option of leaving or having the team shut down and privatized.”

“Mic?” Tristan asked.

“Peter, I think,” he replied.

“Huh?” Sam said confused.

“Seems Paige spent Christmas at the White House with our county’s leaders, and he wants her running things. Offered her a spot on his cabinet, the head of FEMA…whatever she wants all she has to do is ask,” Jesse explained.

“And she asked for Wayne to be removed?” Craig said. “Well damn, guess we can’t be mad at her for leaving us anymore, can we?”

“Nope,” Kendra said with a smile, “because if there’s one thing I know, Paige always comes back.”

Chapter 23



“You go first,” he said leaning back against the desk watching as she paced back and forth in front of him.

“There are so many thing I should say…need to say…but none of them sound right in my head…”

“Paige, come here,” he sighed reaching out and grabbing her wrists. He pulled her to him and soothed his hands down her arms. “Pacing can’t be good for that ankle.”

“No, it’s not,” she agreed letting out a deep breath. “Joel, I’m sorry.”

“For what?”

“Too much…”

“Paige baby, what’s going on? Two days ago, you refused to let me touch you, then you up and leave, and then…I get that text saying we need to talk seriously. Paige what’s wrong?”

“Nothing, at least I hope you feel the same way.”

“Would you please just tell me what’s gotten you so worked up all of a sudden? Outside you were happy and light…you’re scaring me, baby.”

“Maybe we should sit,” she suggested heading towards the couch. When she was in his arms, she didn’t feel like talking and she needed to say this…had to say it.

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