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While she was waiting, Morgan started to do some basic Google searches on Jake. Everything that came up on him was exactly as she’d expected. He was a good guy with no apparent skeletons in his closet. No one had anything bad to say about him.

Sighing, Morgan sent off an email to Gray, asking her to get as much information on Jake as she could. This whole thing could be a waste of time, but Morgan couldn’t exactly not follow a potential lead.

While she waited for Gray to get back to her, she went over every interaction she’d seen between Leigh and Jake in her head.

What reason would Jake have to threaten Leigh? Leigh came from money and he didn’t. Was it possible that their relationship was in trouble and he was sending the threats to scare Leigh, to make her draw automatically closer to him as a source of protection, all for her money?

It was possible, but Morgan just didn’t see it. Jake’s and Leigh’s interactions had seemed genuine. She didn’t think Jake was in it for the money.

Another reason, then? Perhaps Leigh was having an affair that Jake knew about, and he was threatening her to drive her back into his arms, maybe even hoping to make her suspicious of her secret lover.

That made slightly more sense. It would even explain why Leigh was so secretive. If she didn’t know Jake knew about the affair, she would do anything to keep it from him—people who cheated always did.

Still, it didn’t sit quite right with Morgan. Leigh didn’t seem like the kind of person to cheat and it would soon be obvious with Morgan watching her if she was. Still, there was clearly something going on, something more than Morgan was seeing.

Whatever it was, she was going to make it her business to find out.



Leigh felt like she was going crazy, but she couldn’t suppress the suspicion that Morgan was up to something. Of course, that was probably just her own misplaced guilt over deceiving Morgan.

And yet, it seemed that Morgan was behaving secretively, always closing her laptop when Leigh came into view, or hastily ending phone calls whenever Leigh approached. She had taken a step back with her barrage of questions, too.

This should have been a relief, but if anything, it made Leigh even more antsy than before. Morgan was still clearly committed to doing her job. She was up late every night going over security footage, and still insisted on checking each room before allowing Leigh into it.

She coordinated with event organizers to be certain that venues were secure before giving the okay for Leigh and Jake to go, and pushed through every morning with Leigh at gym, even though it was clear she hated running as much as she hated being up that early.

For someone who clearly didn’t run regularly, it looked easy for Morgan. Leigh enjoyed seeing her in track pants, a sporty T and messy ponytail. Morgan was so athletic, she looked so at home in a gym. Leigh admired the lean muscles on her arms and hoped for the day Morgan would get in the pool with her so she could see some more of her long lean athletic body.

Why did she stop with her questions now? Leigh could only assume—perhaps with paranoia—that Morgan had decided to get her answers in another way. She certainly was spending a lot of her free time on her laptop and phone.


“Yeah?” Morgan looked up from her laptop, which was carefully positioned facing away from Leigh.

“What are you working on?”

“Just stuff to do with your case.”

Leigh knew that tone—it was the same too-causal tone that she and Jake used when trying to avoid a question.

“Can I see?”

“It’s best that I keep it private, I think. These investigations can get tricky if the subjects are involved.”

So, Morgan was hiding something. Leigh folded her arms. “What is it that you don’t want me to know?”

Morgan sighed. “I suppose we are overdue for a conversation. Not here, though.” She glanced toward the lounge, where Jake was watching TV. “Let’s go outside.”

Leigh followed Morgan outside, wondering what she had to say that couldn’t be said in front of Jake. Morgan was casual in jeans and a shirt and Leigh admired her ass in the denim. Morgan led her to one of the benches in the garden and sat her down. Her face was as lovely as ever in the sunlight and her green eyes were intense. “I think Jake might be the one threatening you.”


“I’ve been looking into him, and there are a lot of things that don’t add up, Leigh. I know you don’t want to hear this, but I don’t think Jake has been entirely honest with you.”

“What do you mean?”
