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Great, just what she needed—Leigh in a swimsuit.

Today was going to be torture.



Leigh couldn’t help but notice the way Morgan looked at her more and more lately—like she wanted to devour her. It was flattering, to say the least. She wished that Morgan would make a move, but Morgan remained strictly professional, apart from her heated gaze.

She knew she shouldn’t, but she was only human after all, and couldn’t resist flaunting herself a little. She put on her skimpiest, sexiest swimsuit and swayed her hips tantalizingly as she slowly lowered herself into the water.

She glanced up at Morgan from under her eyelashes to see Morgan tense and a little red in the face. Leigh tried to remember that she didn’t want Morgan to know her secret, but it was so difficult when Morgan was looking at her like that.

Jake joined them at the pool, shooting Leigh an amused grin when he caught on to her antics. They spent a relaxed afternoon by the pool, Leigh trying and failing to coax Morgan into the water.

The next few days settled into a pattern. Leigh and Jake would do various things around the house. Leigh bought some canvases and tried her hand at painting. It turned out that painting was not one of her talents, but it was a fun way to pass the time, as she was still nervous about leaving the house, even with Morgan.

Morgan was on her laptop most of the time, doing research into who might want to kill Leigh. She had finally convinced Jake to give her access to his emails, but of course, Jake had gone through his emails beforehand just like Leigh had and deleted anything that would tip Morgan off to their secret.

The police managed to pull fingerprints off the knife, but that didn’t help much, as they didn’t have any matching fingerprints on record. Morgan hadn’t been able to give much of a description, either, thanks to the darkness and the ski mask.

It was all looking pretty hopeless. Leigh glanced over at the garden through her barred window, feeling rather sorry for herself. Would she just be stuck behind bars forever, waiting for an attack that may or may not come?

At least she would have Morgan forever in that scenario, she supposed. As vehement as she had been in her resolution not to make friends with Morgan at first, that determination was quickly fading. She found that she loved talking to Morgan. The two of them got on really well and never seemed to tire of each other’s company, which was a good thing seeing as Morgan’s company was not optional right now.

“Leigh? I think I have something.”

Leigh looked up from a truly dreadful attempt at painting a portrait of Morgan. “What is it?”

“There’s an email in Jake’s junk folder; I don’t think he even realized it was there. Listen to this:

‘Soon Leigh will no longer be a problem, and we can be together, my love.’

Leigh, are you sure Jake isn’t having an affair?”

Leigh’s heart seemed to stop in her chest.

This couldn’t be happening.

She and Jake had only hired Morgan on the premise that she would be able to do her job without finding out their greatest secret.

That email definitely sounded like it was from an ex-lover, though, or at the very least, someone who had become obsessed with Jake. If Morgan was to have any hope of finding them, she had to know that it was a gay or bisexual man she was looking for rather than a woman. Not revealing that information would send her off in completely the wrong direction, and then what would be the point in even keeping her on?

“Leigh, are you alright? You’ve just gone white.”

“I… I need to tell you something,” Leigh whispered. Every instinct within her was screaming at her not to do this, but what choice did she have?

“Tell me, then.”

Leigh squeezed her eyes shut. “I’m gay. Both Jake and I are gay. We’re getting married to keep the ruse up for our families. We’d both be disowned if they ever found out and I would be left with nothing. No money. No home. I have no skills to get a job with. We’re good friends, but we’re not in love, and we see other people. That email sounds like it’s someone interested in Jake. It’s probably a guy; you should know that.”

“Leigh, look at me.”

Leigh reluctantly cracked her eyes open, fully expecting a reprimand for lying to Morgan for so long. Instead, she found nothing but tenderness in Morgan’s green eyes. “Thank you for trusting me with this. I swear, I won’t do anything that will result in your secret coming out. It’s vital information that I need to do my job; you were right to tell me.”

“You could get a lot of money selling this information to the right people,” Leigh admitted. “That’s why I didn’t want to tell you before.”

“I wouldn’t do that to you. I care about you way more than I care about money.” Morgan put her right hand on top of Leigh’s and Leigh felt electricity pulse through her body.
