Page 9 of Possessive Surgeon

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“Let it,” I answer, still trying to slow my heart rate.

“What do you mean let it?”

“He was being inappropriate with you and I stepped in. Why would your father have a problem with that? Stop worrying,” I add, looking down at my shaky hands.

“Are you alright?” she asks, taking my hands in hers.

“I’m fine but I’m telling you now, if David Smith so much as looks in your direction, you better tell me. Nobody has the right to approach you that way. Clear?”

“Yes, of course,” she agrees. “You need to relax. We have patients to take care of.”

“What I need to relax me is you,” I open the office door and pull her inside. I hold her in my arms and close my eyes. She feels like home, and it doesn’t take long for my pulse rate to drop. It’s crazy how the girl who puts me in a frenzy can also be my quiet place.

We complete our rounds and are preparing for the only surgery on the books when Presley approaches me. Word of my altercation with Smith has already reached him.

“I need to see you and my daughter in my office before you leave for the day,” he tells me.

The hairs on my neck stand up and I clench my jaw, “Of course. Any particular reason?”

“I’m sure you know. Just come and see me,” he barks and walks away.

I remind myself repeatedly that he’s my boss and that title comes with a certain amount of respect, but he won’t prevent me from pursuing Skylar. That’s the line that I will not allow him to cross.

We complete the operation and follow the patient through recovery. When he’s alert and ready to be moved to his room, I tell Skylar about my visit from her father. I see the worry on her face and try to console her.

“It’s like I said before. Smith was being inappropriate with you and I stepped in. I’ll tell him that things got out of hand and apologize for how I handled it. Nothing to worry about. Now, go get changed. I’ll meet you down there.”

It’s a bit of a lie. I’m somewhat concerned about the meeting. Not that I think the director will punish me for protecting his daughter, but because of his tone when he approached me. I can’t help but wonder if there’s some other issue that’s been brought to his attention.

The locker room is empty when I arrive and I quickly strip out of my scrubs. I button my shirt but don’t tuck it in and slip my untied tie loosely under my collar. I check myself in the mirror and run my fingers through my dark hair. How can an animal like me be a top-ranked board-certified surgeon? I laugh at myself and say, “Because you’re that good.”

Skylar and I arrive at the elevator in tandem. When the door closes behind us, I sweep her off her feet and kiss her wildly. Feet dangling, she wraps her arms around my neck and says, “I don’t want him to assign me another doctor. Don’t let him, please.”




The elevator doors open and we step out onto the administrative hall. The officers are all vacant and dark with the exception, of course, of my father’s. His door is wide open and he’s inside, seated at his desk with his hands folded in front of him.

“Come in,” he tells us and we file in and sit on the leather chairs that face his desk.

He eyes us both and then asks, “Is there anything you want to tell me before I begin?”

“Did you want an update on Skylar’s progress?” Scott asks, feigning confusion.

“In other circumstances, that would be prudent but, as things stand now, I don’t know that I would find your opinion credible.”

“Are you accusing me of something, Director?” Scott leans forward in his chair and clasps his hands together in his lap.

“Tell me what happened with Dr. Smith in the hall today.”

“That’s simple, really. David Smith made inappropriate comments to and about your daughter. I confronted him and things got a little physical, but we both regained our composure and went about our business,” Scott explains.

“The problem with your version of what happened is that it doesn’t match the observations of the witnesses that were there. In addition, Dr. Smith isn’t exactly known for losing his temper. You, on the other hand, have displayed some aggressive behavior from time to time.”

“Have there been conversations about my aggression that I’ve not been made aware of?” Scott asks.

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