Page 8 of Possessive Surgeon

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We’re contently basking in the euphoria of the moment when Skylar gasps, pulls down her shirt, and crouches down in her seat. I jump and look out the window to see what’s got her so frightened then sink down in my seat as well. Her father is standing in front of her car, bewildered that it’s still here. He pulls his phone out of his pocket and places it to his ear just as hers begins to ring.

“Oh shit, oh shit,” she mutters and almost drops the phone. “Hello? Daddy?”

“Yeah, I actually left with a friend from class. We’re on our way back now….I’m fine. Just go home. I’ll see you there in a bit.”

She hangs up and we both peer out the window. He puts his phone back in his pocket and takes two trips around her car, looking in all the windows. He turns and scans the rest of the lot, and I hold my breath as his gaze stops on my parking spot.

He takes two steps forward, and I’m sure that he’s about to find me defiling his daughter in a parked car. My mind races as I contemplate the best way to react in this situation. I don’t like feeling cornered and my instinctual response would be to punch my way out, but I can’t risk my career and I’m sure Skylar doesn’t want me to pummel her old man.

I take a deep breath and prepare myself for the worst, but he turns on his heels and walks away toward his own car.

“Holy shit,” Skylar gasps and we both break out in nervous laughter.

“That was too close for comfort, sweet girl. I think we better call it a night,” I tell her.

She fixes her clothes and I walk her to her car. When I’m certain that no one is watching, I pull her to me and kiss her goodnight, breathing in her sweet scent as though I can take it with me to keep me from missing her for the rest of the night.




Skylar has been heavy on my mind all morning. She’s always there, but after the night we had, I can’t stop thinking about taking things a step further. I have a sense of her body now and that just fuels my desire to make it mine. I can’t keep going to work with all this pent-up frustration, so I decide to hit the gym early. Pumped and feeling good, I shower and suit up for the day ahead.

I see her car parked in the garage when I arrive. I’m glad to see that she’s taking this opportunity seriously, but I’m also hopeful that she showed up early because she couldn’t wait to see me. When the elevator opens on the surgical floor, I see Skylar, and my body tenses. I pump my fists and feel my pressure rise.

She’s pressed against the wall and David Smith, the other young surgeon on staff, is looming over her. I can tell by her expression that he’s making her uncomfortable, and I waste no time taking giant steps down the hall to save her.

My body is rigid, my chest bowed and thumping. “What’s going on here?” I growl.

Smith turns his head and looks me over from head to toe as if summing up my capabilities. He’s a pompous shit with an unnatural build derived from a mixture of steroids and injected human growth hormone. He flashes a grin and says, “I was just getting to know your new intern. I can’t believe I didn’t notice her before. She’s quite impressive.”

“She is impressive and she’s mine, so how about you back off and let us get to work?” I grunt.

“Yours? Like, your intern or your..?” he gaffs and I want to rip the flesh off his smirking face.

“Either way, you’re keeping us from making rounds, so…” I hold out my hand as if to direct him to his own office.

“She can make the rounds. I don’t mind sharing,” the words spill from his mouth and I see red. I grab him by his shoulders and toss him into the wall. Skylar moves aside and looks on in horror. He collects himself and leaps at me but I grab his arm, twist it behind his back, and walk him back into the wall.

“You ever so much as look in her direction again and you’ll be taking a trip down to the ER. Do you hear me?” I snarl into his ear as I drive him into the wall with my body.

We’re across from the nurse’s station and one of them alerts security. In seconds, four security guards tackle me and pull me off of him.

“Let go of me. I’m fine. Everything is fine,” I tell them, and they release their hold on me.

“Everything is fine? No, it isn’t. Director Presley is about to get an earful about your conduct,” Smith shouts.

“Sure, go see Presley. I’m sure he’ll love hearing what you just said about his daughter,” I bellow. “You know, how you think she might want to fuck her way through the surgical team.”

He’s stunned and examines Skylar for signs that she might actually be related to Presley just as I’d done when I met her. She crosses her arms and glares at him.

He turns to the security officers and says, “It’s alright. We’re fine now.”

He sulks down the hall defeated and rife with failure, and Skylar and I walk toward my office.

“Everyone saw that. Word is going to get back to my father,” she says softly so none of the onlookers will hear.

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