Page 18 of Possessive Surgeon

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“He’s going to be okay, baby. He’s a strong man,” he assures me.

I look at the clock and realize that they were in surgery for nearly five hours and Scott worked a full shift prior. “You must be exhausted,” I say to him. “Why did it take so long? Were there complications?”

“No complications and don’t worry about me. I’m here for you. We’ll wait until he’s moved so you can see him then I’m getting you fed and putting you to bed. Before you say another word, you’re taking tomorrow off,” he tells me.

“I don’t want to leave him here alone. If something happens and I’m not here, I’ll never forgive myself,” I protest.

“He’s going to be out all night. The ward is staffed and there’s a cardiologist on site. He’ll be well taken care of. It’s you that I’m worried about. You have to eat, and you need to rest. You can come back in the morning. He should be on his way to the ICU now. Let’s walk over there.”

“Okay, let’s go.” He helps me to my feet and leads me to the ICU.

My father looks frail, not at all like the strong man who raised me, but his color is already better than it was when they wheeled him into surgery. His vitals also look good so I feel a bit better about leaving him for the night.

“I’ll leave you alone for a few minutes, but he isn’t supposed to have visitors so you can’t stay too long love,” Scott kisses my forehead and leaves the room.

I take my father’s hand and say, “I love you. You’re going to be okay. Scott took care of you for me. Everything’s going to be just fine.”

* * *

Scott stopsat a drive-through and then takes me back to my place. I try to force down a chicken sandwich while he takes the initiative to run me a warm bath. When the bath is ready, he takes me upstairs and helps me out of my clothes, then holds my hand as I get in the tub. He kneels beside the tub on the cold tile floor and uses a large sponge to dab warm water on the back of my neck. I lean forward and close my eyes as the stress in my shoulders slowly starts to release.

“Are you okay?” he asks. “Can I get you anything else?”

“Just don’t leave me, okay? Will you stay with me tonight?”

“I’m not going anywhere, baby.”

I finish my bath and he wraps me in a towel and helps me out onto the floor. He follows me to my bedroom and lies on my bed. I climb in beside him and lay my head on his arm. He cradles me, stroking my hair, and I fall asleep in his arms.




Ishower then head down to Director Presley’s kitchen to pull together breakfast for Skylar. It feels very strange navigating this man’s house, but I need to take care of my girl so I seek out a pan and tableware and make her some scrambled eggs. I’m still wrapped in a towel, waiting for my clothes to dry in the laundry room, when I bring the food up and wake her.

“Good morning, princess,” I sit on the edge of the bed and kiss her lips.

“Good morning? I slept all night?” she asks, stretching away the cobwebs.

“You did but it’s still early. I brought you coffee and eggs. When you’re done, you’ll have time to shower before we head into the hospital.”

“You’re naked,” she grins, staring at my chest.

“I didn’t bring any clean clothes so I washed them. I hope you don’t mind.”

“After everything you’ve done for me, you can do anything you want. I just wish you would have gotten me up sooner so that I could wash them for you.”

“You just take care of yourself. I’ll muddle through the rest.”

When my clothes are dry and she’s dressed and ready, we make our way to the hospital. There’s no need to take separate cars. Until her father comes home, I won’t be leaving her home alone.

“How’s our star patient doing this morning?” I ask the charge nurse as she hands me his chart.

“He’s awake,” she smiles at Skylar who audibly sighs at the news.

“Then I guess we’d better go in and say hello,” I take Skylar by the hand and lead her down the hall.

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