Page 14 of Possessive Surgeon

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I look down at my lap and shake my head.

“Did you have something to say?” he asks.

“Why does Scott need to come back with a fresh attitude? He didn’t do anything wrong. Doctor Smith is a pompous, womanizing pig. Scott was just trying to protect me,” I assert.

“Did David Smith touch you inappropriately?” He leans back and crosses his arms, and I know that he isn’t asking out of concern. He’s trying to make a point.

“You know he didn’t.”

“So, all he did was express an interest in you and Doctor Statton thought it was appropriate to physically assault him. You’ve always been an emotionally intelligent girl. Do you think his behavior was appropriate?”

“You’re missing the point, father. Scott didn’t get upset because Doctor Smith was interested in me. He got protective when Doctor Smith suggested that I was a slut. I would expect my own father to do the same thing in that situation.”

“And as your father, I would, but as your managing physician, he had no right. Don’t you see what I’m getting at? You’d only known him a few days and he was already demonstrating a possessiveness over you. That’s not normal behavior, and it makes me uncomfortable. I’m speaking to you as both your father and your employer. His obsession with you isn’t good for you or my hospital.”

“I can see how you might perceive things that way, but you’re wrong. He’s a passionate man and he puts that passion into everything. That’s why he’s so good at his job. Sure, he might be a little bit overly protective, but isn’t that better than not caring at all?”

“Skylar, be reasonable. That’s all I ask. Don’t let your attraction to this man cloud your judgment. Your career should come first. That’s what you’ve been working toward your entire life. Don’t let an infatuation screw up your future,” he warns me.

“It’s not an infatuation and it won’t cloud my judgment. In fact, I can’t think of a better boyfriend to keep me on track than one who has the experience to be my mentor. Now, I don’t want to talk about this anymore. I’d just like to get back to my surgical rotation.”

“As I said, Statton comes back with a new attitude and there won’t be an issue.”

On my way back to the NICU, my phone rings. “Hi, Scott.” I can’t help but get giddy each time his name shows up on my screen.

“Hello, baby. I was gonna wait until you got off to call, but I couldn’t wait any longer to hear your voice. I miss you.”

“I miss you, too. Are we still on for tonight?”

“You better not stand me up,” he jokes.

“I could never do that. I’ll see you at seven.”

I spend the rest of the afternoon trying to concentrate on my rounds with Doctor Mills, but I can’t keep my mind off seeing Scott again. When the shift finally ends, I rush home and change. I don’t know where we’re going, but he insisted that I dress casually so I put on a tan pair of short shorts, a floral print peasant blouse, and sandals. I take a final look in the mirror and then speed out to my car. I can’t wait to see Scott, but I’d also like to be gone before my father gets home. I don’t want to start the night off on a negative note.

I practically skip to Scott’s door and ring the bell. When he opens it, I leap into his arms. A normal size man might have lost his footing, but Scott just lifts me off my feet and carries me inside. When I’ve finished covering his face and neck with kisses, he sets me down and I ask, “What are we doing tonight?”

“I thought it would be nice to spend some time outside for a change, so we’re going to the park for mini golf, paddle boats, and carnival food. How do you feel about that?”

“I think that’s an amazing idea. I haven’t done anything like that in a long time!”

We drive to the park by the pier and head straight to the mini golf course. We get our clubs and balls and hit the green.

“Ladies first,” Scott turns to the side and slaps my behind as I pass. I take my first shot and the ball rolls through the obstacles stopping inches from the hole.

“Your turn, Sir,” I tell him, making sure to pat his bottom when he bends over to putt. His ball flies wildly and lands almost two feet from the hole.

“Okay, you’re obviously a ringer. Go get your hole in two,” he tells me.

I put my ball in the hole and giggle as it takes him three more shots to put his ball in. We move through the rest of the course and Scott doesn’t get any better.

“You’re a doctor. Isn’t golf supposed to be in your blood?” I tease him.

“Not this kind of golf and I resent the stereotype,” he squeezes me and smiles.

The pier is filled with the scent of funnel cakes and cotton candy, and the wind blows gently as we stroll hand in hand to the paddle boat dock. Scott pays for the boat and climbs in, taking my hands to help me aboard. We paddle along the designated area, and I put my hand in the water and splash him.

“Hey, keep your hands in the boat at all times, you little rebel. Didn’t you read the sign?” he teases me.

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