Page 12 of Possessive Surgeon

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“Your father does very well, I imagine. Doesn’t he share?”

“Daddy pays the bills. He keeps me fed, clothed, sheltered, and driving. He pays my tuition, and he makes sure I have some spending money. I would be on my own for anything more than that, and with my schedule, I don’t have time for anything more than that,” she explains. “Soon, I’ll have a residency somewhere and a paycheck of my own. Maybe then, I’ll treat myself.”

“You don’t have to treat yourself. That’s what I’m here for,” I reach for her hand and hold it tightly in mine. “Now, no more talk about your father. We’re here to forget him. Tell me more about you.”

“What do you want to know?” she leans in and bats her eyes at me.

“It’s very personal, but I’ve been curious since last night. Why are you a virgin?”

She leans back in her seat and closes her eyes. “It does bother you, right? I’m sorry that I don’t have any experience. I’m sure the other women that you’ve been with…”

“Stop. It’s not like that at all. I love the fact that you haven’t been with anyone else. It might surprise you but I don’t sleep around. One of the things that I liked about you was how innocent you seemed. Finding out that you really are that innocent is a total turn-on. It means that I get to introduce you to everything.”

“I want you to introduce me to everything. I want you to be my first everything,” she whispers, looking around as though someone might be close enough to overhear.

“I need to be clear about something. I’m not just looking for a chance to deflower a virgin. If I take you, I keep you. You become mine. Do you understand?”

“I want to be yours. That’s all I want,” she assures me.

“Good, little girl, but you haven’t answered my original question. What have you been waiting for?”

She smiles widely and says, “You.”

We finish dinner and drive back to my place. When I kill the engine, she looks at me like a lost little girl. I lean across the seat and take her face in my hands. Kissing her gently I tell her, “You’re coming inside.”

She nods then waits for me to get out and open her door. I can already feel the intensity of my erection growing. The moment that I’ve been waiting for is finally here, and the anticipation is killing me. It’s like politely holding a wrapped gift and waiting for permission to open it.

She surveys the interior of my place and nods slowly. “This is nice.”

“Thank you. I haven’t done much to it since I moved in so you’ll have to give the credit to the builder and the decorator.” I set my keys down and walk toward her. She doesn’t seem to know what to do and gently sways from side to side until I place my arms around her waist and pull her toward me.

“Do you feel that?” I ask, rubbing my stiff cock against her leg.

“Yes,” she stammers.

“That’s going to be inside you soon. Do you want to know how it feels to have me inside you, little princess?”

“Yes,” she replies and I pick her up and carry her to my bedroom.

I sit down on the edge of my bed and say, “Take off your clothes so I can see you.”

She turns around and points to the zipper that runs the length of her dress. I pull her to me and unzip it for her. She raises her arms and lets it drop to the floor, revealing her sweet ass. I dig my fingers into the plump flesh then lean forward and sink my teeth into it. She gasps and tenses her muscles, so I give her a quick slap before commanding her to turn around.

She stands before me wearing nothing but a black bra, matching thong, and knee-length boots.

“Do you like me?” she breathes.

“You’re beautiful, but you need to finish stripping.”

“Don’t you want to help me?” she teases so I grab her hips and pull her to the bed. I yank at her bra, causing the closure to give way. Then I slide the straps down her arms and let the torn garment fall to the floor. I spin her around and slide my hand between her legs, rubbing the cloth of her thong against her wet pussy. She moans as I take the thong in my teeth and slowly tug it off of her hips, still stroking her wet spot. When her thong is removed, I spin her around again.

“Put your left foot on the bed.”

She lifts her leg and places her foot on the bed beside me. I use my left hand to unzip her boot while stroking her sweet cunt with the right. She puts her hands on my shoulders to steady herself, and I flick her hard nipples with my tongue. We repeat the process with her right foot, and I slide two fingers into her tiny hole.

“Oh, that feels good,” she moans.

“Just wait, darlin'. You haven’t felt my dick yet.”

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