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“You love teaching.”

She nods. “It’s all I’ve ever had, but now I have you.”

“And our baby.”

Tears well in my eyes. “And our baby. I love you, and I trust in that love. You’ve shown me over and over again that I can, that we’re stronger together, and I’m so sorry for what I put us through.”

“Nothing to be sorry for. You gave me your truth, and I knew you needed time. I was willing to wait forever.”

“Now we’re forever.”

“We were always forever.”




I didn’t know that it was possible to be this happy. My face hurts from smiling. Two days ago, I woke up to a message from Crosby asking me to have dinner at her place after work. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that it would be to tell me that she was in love with me.

Even further from my mind is the fact that she found out that same day that we were having a baby.

I’m going to be a dad.

Every damn time I think the words, I get choked up. I can see how my parents were willing to do this nine times, well, eight because of the twins, but the rush of knowing that I created a life with the woman I love is a feeling I can’t describe and unlike anything I’ve ever felt.

My brothers were right. I wouldn’t trade this for anything.

We spent the entire day yesterday, Christmas Eve, talking and making plans. Something that we’ve not been able to do in the past because she was worried about what the future might hold. I stuck to the family motto, took the advice of my dad and my brothers, and I loved the hell out of her, never giving up until she truly felt it. Until she understood she was who I wanted and that I wasn’t going anywhere, no matter the timeline she put us under.

The only timeline we have now is when our baby is due. That and when I can convince her to marry me. I’m ready for the happily ever after. Yesterday we decided that she would move in with me. I own my place, and she rents, and she’s on a one-year lease. I know the owner, and one phone call was all it took for him to agree to let her out of it. It pays to live in such a small town.

“Hey.” I walk into the bedroom just as Crosby is pulling her sweater over her head. “Are you about ready to go?”

“Yes. I just need to find my shoes, and we can load the car.”

“I already loaded it.”

She smiles. “Thank you.”

I walk further into the room and snake my arms around her waist, kissing her softly. “Anything for you. You know that. And you didn’t have to buy my family gifts. I thought I told you that I was putting your name on all of mine.”

“You did, but I was with the girls and got carried away, and well, it was just another way I was trying to keep myself divided from you.”

“No more dividing.”


“Are you sure you’re okay with telling everyone today?”

“Normally, I would say no. There’s a rule about these things, but I don’t like hiding things from your family. Everyone has been so welcoming to me. But they’re your family, so I’ll leave that decision up to you. I’m fine with telling them, and I’m fine with waiting until we see a doctor.”

“I know there are risks,” I say, not wanting to bring it up but feeling as if I need to.

“Whatever happens, we do it together. I’d already made up my mind before I found the unopened box of Tampons.”

I lean back, placing my hand on her belly. “Daddy has good swimmers, huh?”

She playfully rolls those big brown eyes. “Come on. We need to go, or we’ll be late.” She steps out of my hold, grabs her shoes, and disappears down the hallway.

Fifteen minutes later, we’re walking into my parents’ place. My arms are loaded down with gifts that I refuse to let her carry. She argued that she was barely pregnant, but I didn’t care. If I can do it for her, if I can make this pregnancy any easier, I’m going to do it.

I stack the gifts under the tree, take her hand in mine, and stand to face my family. My gaze scans the room to make sure that everyone is here. “Hey.” I wave to them, and they all turn to look at me like I’ve lost my mind.

“Crosby and I exchanged gifts early, and I wanted to tell everyone what I got.”

“Nice.” Maverick steps forward and gives Crosby a hug, as does Merrick. No one questions why. We’re an affectionate family. They don’t know that my two youngest brothers stayed with my girl while she cried happy, chest-sobbing tears that she’s going to be a mom. Not even the twins. All they know is that once I got there, she calmed down and I haven’t left her place since.

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