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“Thank you.” I don’t need to say more. Their nods tell me they get it. I don’t have to tell them that I love them or that I couldn’t have wrapped my head around the shitshow from this morning without them.

We say our goodbyes with a plan in place. Everyone knows their part, and I’m sure the wives will be on board. With a promise to see them at Mom and Dad’s later today, I close the door behind my guests and rush to my room to grab my phone.

As expected, Crosby didn’t reply to my message, but that’s okay. Slow and steady.

Dinner was good. Mom made this chicken dish with rice, broccoli, and cheese, and it was really good. She offered us all leftovers, and we took them like we always do. However, this time I won’t be eating mine.

I pull into her driveway at the same time the twins pull into theirs. Merrick waves and Maverick offers me a thumbs-up before they disappear inside. The lights are on, so I know she’s still up. With the container of leftovers in my hand, I make my way up the steps and knock on her door. Her eyes widen in surprise when she opens for me.



I thrust the container out in front of me. “I thought you might be hungry. Mom made this new dish that was really good.”

“You brought me leftovers from your mom’s?”


“You didn’t have to do that, Rush.”

Rush. Not Rushton. Another layer of hope builds inside my heart. “I wanted to. I won’t keep you. Honestly, I just wanted to lay eyes on you and make sure you had dinner.”

“You don’t have to take care of me, Rush.” Her voice is soft and cracks with her words.

I step forward. I’m still standing on her porch, but I’m close enough to reach out and lay a hand on her hip. “I never said I felt like I had to. I want to, Crosby. I want you. All of you. That includes me worrying about you.”

She shakes her head, and I know it’s too soon. I’ve nudged enough for today. I can’t push her over the edge. Just like my brothers said earlier, I have to take it slow and keep showing up. That’s how I get the woman I love to admit she loves me too. I know she does. I can see it in her eyes. I can also see the worry and the fear. I’ll take care of those as well.

I’ll show her it’s me and her against the world.




Today was harder than I thought it would be. Blakely was a chatterbox, asking when I was going to come back to her house to see her. She even told me that she would call her uncle Rush when she got home and tell him that’s what she wanted. She was confident that it would happen. To have her faith and unwavering security.

Alyssa called and invited me to dinner, but I declined. I assume Rushton has told his family. Something tells me that they don’t have secrets. I don’t want to lose Alyssa and the other ladies as parts of my life, but it’s too soon. I’m still too raw from my night with Rushton. They’ll see right through me, and I don’t want that. Who am I kidding? I don’t think time will keep them from knowing something happened between us. So, yeah, I declined her invitation.

I’m sitting on the couch, trying to read, but I’ve read the same sentence five times. I turn off my Kindle and place it on the coffee table. Grabbing my phone, I pull up my message thread with Rushton.

Rushton: Goodnight, Gorgeous.

Rushton: Morning, Crosby. Have a great day.

I ignored both messages from last night and this morning. I’m trying like hell to resist him, but he’s not making this easy on me. I don’t know why I thought that he would. He told me he wasn’t walking away. I’ve heard that before, so I didn’t know that when he said it, it was his truth. It’s also still early. It’s been two days since our “pretend” night together. He’s going to get bored eventually.

Speaking of Rushton, my phone rings, and I debate not answering, but guilt weighs heavily on me, and if I’m being honest, I want to hear his voice.


“How was your day?”

“I got it in,” I tell him. “It was long,” I add. “How was yours?” I’m nervous. Why am I nervous?

“I missed you.”


“I’m not going to hide how I feel about you, Crosby. Our night together changed everything. I know that you have rules and a plan, and I respect that. I won’t push you, but I’m also not running. Not from you.”

“If I knew I was secure here, things would be different.” It’s important he knows that.

“I know. I can see it in your eyes when you look at me.”

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