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“I think Ryder is there.”

“Yeah. I really hope that Jordyn comes home when she’s finished with her program, and they can work things out.”

“Only time will tell.” I hope she does too. Ryder has been miserable since she’s been gone.

“You’ll find her.”

“Find who? Jordyn?”

“You’ll find your Kennedy, your Jade, your Palmer, hell, your Ramsey. You’ll find her. When you do, you’ll know.”

“Is Dad passing the words of wisdom baton down to you? I would have thought that Orrin would have gotten that gig since he’s the oldest.”

“Shut it, asshat.” He shoves at my arm.

“There’s my big brother.” I laugh. “See ya later, man.”

“Love you, brother. Drive safe.”

I drive home in silence. I don’t bother turning on the radio, instead letting my mind drift to Crosby. She’s not playing hard to get, and I know from the flare of heat in her eyes that she’s interested. Maybe she’s just shy, and I need to give her time. I’ll keep asking her to dinner, and maybe one day she’ll say yes.




If you change your mind, you know how to reach me.

I don’t need to open my phone to read Rushton’s text message. I have it memorized. He has no idea how hard it is to keep turning him down. I wish that I could be a carefree twenty-five-year-old. I have to focus on my career right now. I have a year to prove to the Willow Elementary school board that taking a chance on a young teacher with only substitute experience was a good idea. So good, in fact, they decide to renew my contract. If not, well, then I need to plan my next step. It’s just me, myself, and I, and no matter how badly I want to say yes to Rushton, I know I can’t.

Rushton is… magnetic. He’s full of life, and those blue eyes and his abundance of muscles are hell on my resolve, but I learned a long time ago there’s no one in this world that will look out for me but me. I need to remain focused, and once I get a contract extension and know that Willow River will be my home, I can relax a little. I’ll be able to let go of the reins and start building a life here. Until then, I’m on pins and needles until the spring, when contract negotiations begin.

I’ve cleaned my entire house from top to bottom, and I’m just finishing up my last load of laundry when my cell rings. I race down the hall to answer, and I stop to look at the screen, hoping, even though I know it’s wrong, that it’s Rushton. I just literally convinced myself that staying strong for the school year is best, but my traitorous heart skips a beat, thinking it might be him.

It’s not.

“Hey,” I greet Alyssa.

“What are you up to?” she asks.

“Cleaning, laundry, you know, adulting.”

She laughs. “Adulting sucks. Come hang out with us tonight. We’re all going to be at Declan’s place.”

My heart flips in my chest. “Who is all?”

“Just the girls and Blakely. We do a girls’ night with Blakely that looks a lot different from the ones we have at the Tavern.”

“Got ya. I don’t want to intrude.”

“You’re not.”

“She’s my student.”

“And she talks about you and school all the time. Come on, Crosby, it will be fun. We don’t do anything crazy. We do our hair and makeup. Well, most of the time, we let Blake work on us, but we help. We snack, and there’s no alcohol, so you’ll be completely sober with no regrets the next day.”

“Are you sure the others won’t mind?”

“Nope. Kennedy actually asked me to reach out to you. Text me your address, and I can swing by and pick you up so that you’re not coming over by yourself.”

“What can I bring?”

“Snacks. Anything works. I think Kens said she had Declan pick up a fruit tray and a veggie tray. Palmer was making buffalo dip, and other than that, I don’t know.”

“What are you making?”

“Brownies, maybe cookies if I can keep Sterling out of the kitchen long enough not to burn them.”

“What time?”

“I’ll be at your place at six.”

“Okay. Thank you for inviting me. Please thank Kennedy for me too.”

“I will, but you can do it yourself when we get there. Oh, and the dress is super casual, jammies, leggings, etc. It’s a chill night. No need to fancy yourself up.”

“This night keeps sounding better and better.”

“Right? And I’ve managed to convince Palmer to bring Remi, and Kens is keeping Beckham at home, so we get baby snuggles on top of it all.”

“Sold,” I tell her, making her laugh again.

“Text me your address.”

The line goes dead, and I fire off a text of my address.

Alyssa: That’s where you live?

Me: Yes. Why, is this house haunted or something? I hope not. I signed a one-year rental agreement.

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