Page 113 of Damaged Souls

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Joan tsked. “I don’t know what’s gotten into you, Aria Taylor. Where has my respectful daughter gone?”

Aria couldn’t help but laugh. “You mean the doormat? The one that puts up with all your insults? The disappointment? The waste of space. Shouldn’t you be at Isabella’s right now, telling her what she should or shouldn’t be eating?”

She had no idea where this was coming from. Aria had never, ever spoken to her mother like this. Never.

“How dare you?” Joan folded her arms across her chest.

Aria didn’t care to continue talking to her mother outside for whichever nosy neighbor was close by. Too much of her dirty laundry had already been shared with the town of Carnage. She wasn’t ready for more.

Opening her front door, Ernie and Bruno were there to greet her.

“Disgusting. I cannot believe you adopted those filthy animals.”

“They’re not filthy animals. You’re good boys, aren’t you?” Aria kissed their heads and then made her way into the kitchen.

She heard her mother close the door.

Opening one of the cupboards, Aria grabbed some dog food and their two bowls. Her mother’s annoying little tsk followed her.

She spun around to her mother and held her hands out. “What do you want? What have I done wrong now?”

“Do you have any idea what that vicious rumor has done to Isabella?” Joan asked.

“What rumor?” Aria asked, but she had a rough idea which one.

Joan growled. “You know which one, Missy, and don’t you dare take that tone with me.”

“You’re in my house, asking me about a rumor that I’m part of, but instead of coming to ask me how I’m holding up, you only care what’s going on with Isabella.”

“She is married. Pregnant, Aria, I’m not sure you understand the severity of the situation.”

“Oh, I understand it. So long as Isabella is fine, you don’t give a crap about me. I’m not perfect, I’m not beautiful.”

“How could you do this to her?” Joan asked. “Is it because she has a lovely husband? Is it out of jealousy? Spite?”

“I wasn’t the one that made her screw Grant!” Aria yelled. “I wasn’t the one to tell that rumor to anyone. But thanks, Mom, thanks for showing me once again that I’m not a good enough daughter for you. That I will never be good enough. That I don’t measure up to Isabella’s standards. You know what, get the fuck out of my house.” Aria had never cursed. She had never yelled at her mother. This was a first.

Joan’s mouth opened and closed. “You have no idea who you’re talking to!”

“Funny you should say that. I never thought a mother should treat her daughter the way you do me. I guess you don’t know who you’re talking to either. Get out of my house. You’re not welcome here. I don’t want to ever see you again.”

Her head lifted.

“I cannot believe he went from Isabella to you.”

“Get out,” Aria said.

Joan turned on her heel and Aria followed her, slamming the door closed as she did so. Her hands shook, her heart raced. Pressing her back against the door, she tried to take a deep breath, but it was impossible. She felt sick to her stomach.

Her mother had come to accuse her. Not to console her, but to point the finger. She just couldn’t take it anymore. Years of being ignored, of being told how she didn’t measure up, and she finally had enough.

Joan Taylor had said her last words to her. Aria was never going to forgive her.

Ernie and Bruno came toward her and snuggled up against her. Aria laughed. “I still have you two boys, don’t I?” Aria asked.

They each put their head on her knees and she couldn’t help but laugh. “I love you guys too. So much.” She pressed kisses to their heads.


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