Page 11 of Reckless Beat

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“Let’s see, what do you look like? A Tania, maybe, or a Louise? No, that’s not it. Hang on, I’ve got it… Joy… Joy Rider.”

“It’s Jodi,” she muttered, her teeth clacking and her mouth stretching itself into a grimace. “Jodi Castle.”

“Pleased to meet you, Jodi Castle.” He stuck his hand out again, and miracle of miracles, she accepted it.

At his height, everyone seemed small. He got neck ache looking down at people. Jodi was probably average height for a woman, which meant her head was level with his chest.

“Your tattoo’s pretty impressive,” she said, like that was a normal thing to say to a guy when you’d just met under weird circumstances.

He managed to hold his tongue over returning a similar comment about her boobs, because she had serious boobage—like knock ’em dead, smother me and let me die in your arms, earthquake-inducing knockers—but one wasn’t supposed to be impolite enough to notice such things. “Yup, and they’re completely, one hundred per cent attached to me, so there’s no chance of them ending up in one of your pockets.”

“I don’t steal things.”


“Actually, I believe the technical term for stealingpeopleis kidnapping.”

She shook her head. “No, you’re a stowaway. I wouldn’t have pulled out of the car park if I’d known you were on board.” Didn’t change the fact that she had, in fact, driven him to the arse end of nowhere without his consent.

“What’s the deal? Were you trying to hook yourself a rocker?” It seemed unlikely. If that was her game, she’d have hijacked the bus while Xane was still onboard.

“I told you, I didn’t know you were here. And anyway, if that was my game, didn’t I catch the wrong one if I wanted a shag? You said you’re the bass player, right? I might not know much, but I know it’s the rule that it’s the vocalist and lead guitarist who always get most of the pussy.”

Cheeky cow. He couldn’t even contradict her, since Xane and Ash were two of the biggest man-whores on the planet. Instead, he nudged her shoulder. “That way to clean clothing land.”

“Bet they get all the action, don’t they?”

“Not all of it.”

“More than you get?” Her fatalism was working overtime.

“Are you trying to talk me out of giving you fresh clothes?”

She raised her hands in semi-surrender. “Just making conversation.”

“Then don’t.”

The back end of the bus was in darkness, thanks to a combination of fewer windows and rapidly fading daylight. It took a bunch of attempts to locate the sliding door on his cubbyhole, and then pat across the mattress until he located his phone. The signal was decidedly patchy, but that was okay, as he wasn’t planning on calling anyone… yet! Still, it came with a handy dandy torch function that gave him enough light to track down one of Elspeth’s many scented candles and put a match to it. The woodsy scent of pine and patchouli caught in his nostrils. Of course, he had to find the one candle he truly couldn’t stand the stench of: give him the smell of a dozen sweaty blokes instead. Not that he was into sweaty bloke smells, either.

“Onwards,” he directed, hustling her into the back bedroom. Here, the scent of sex and lube overpowered the candle. The bed remained rumpled from the romp Xane, Steve and Elspeth had been enjoying earlier. He ignored it and went straight for the wardrobe, still pissed at Elspeth for her life choices.

They kept most of their luggage in the lockers below the bus, which were now underwater, but they kept a few items each around for general ease.

“Think you can hold the candle?” he asked, after weighing up the likelihood of her blowing it out and legging it for the exit.

She kept it steady as he did some searching, proving she had some sense.

He’d catch her every time she tried to scarper. That was a fact. He was fast on his feet, and whoever heard of a runner her shape? He knew it was crap of him to keep noticing, but hello! She was blessed. He made an appreciative groan in the back of his throat. “You know jiggling your tits isn’t going to change anything, right? It’s not going to get you out of trouble.”

“I’m not. Jiggling is what they do of their own accord. Sorry if that offends you.”

“I didn’t say that.”

“You practically did.”

“Fucking didn’t. Why would a pair of tits offend me? They’re fun to look at, and even more fun to play with, especially when…”

“When?” she prompted.

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