Page 10 of Reckless Beat

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Her quip fell flat, as he was too busy processing the implication of her retort. “You hot-wired Bertha?” No way. No fucking way. This slip of a thing… Well, okay. She wasn’t precisely dainty, but she was half his size.

Her tongue briefly flicked across her lower lip. Just a tiny flash of pink, then it was gone. “Could’ve, but I didn’t need to.” Her gaze strayed towards the ignition. Of course, he’d even tried Bertha to see if he could get her to turn over.

“You pilfered Cave Troll’s keys?” Jeezus! This chick was either seriously ballsy or dumb as fuck. Even he had the sense not to piss Cave Troll off… mostly.

“I found them in my pocket.”

A likely story. “Just magicked themselves there, did they?” The woman clearly had a death wish. It was the only explanation he could think of for why she’d steal from a guy who looked like he could turn you into mincemeat with his bare hands.

“Yeah.” Her tongue made another quick flick across her lower lip, leaving behind a smear of moisture.

“I’ll bet they did. Do I need to pat you down to see what else has miraculously found its way into your clothing?”

Her indignation might have been amusing in other circumstances.

Actually, he was pretty damned amused.

“I can’t help it if things somehow find their way into my possession,” she snapped.

“Yeah, whatever.” And even supposing that to be the case, she could definitely help by returning them ASAP, rather than driving off with the vehicle they opened. “I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t have taken you more than a minute to find the owner if you’d a mind to. Let’s see, you could’ve held them up and asked if anyone had mislaid them.”

“Hmm.” Her dismissal whistled through her teeth. “Didn’t find them until after I’d left, and returning wasn’t an option then.”

“And why’s that?”

“I got fired,” she said so quietly he had to strain to catch it. “If I’d gone back in, it would’ve caused a monumental stink.”

“I don’t suppose you were fired for theft, was it?”

She had the audacity to look outraged, and then pissed when he bent double laughing.

-chapter five-

Paul “Rock Giant” Reed

Rock Giant had known several pickpockets and a couple of dozen joyriders. None of them had been anything like the woman before him now. The thieves he’d known were all proud of their talents. They always boasted about their methods and gains. Meanwhile, the guys cruising the streets in their acquired rides; they were out for thrills and kudos. Nicking cars was their addiction, their means of escaping the mundane; cheaper than heroin, more fun than getting rat-arsed on anti-freeze. It was also more likely to get you a rep as a badass, and hence better pussy, than being a junkie.

It was also a boy’s game. That wasn’t to say he hadn’t known a few crazy ladies who were out to prove they were just as wild as the guys. He totally had, but none of them were like this woman. Every single one of them had been stick thin and abrasive to the core. All hoop earrings and ponytails, and as likely to scratch your eyes out as shag you, and possibly both at once. They were the sort of women he occasionally enjoyed hanging out with for an evening or two but was never inclined to stick around for. In any case, scrawny chicks rarely got his dick excited.

His thoughts turned down that particular alley, as his bastard dick was currently pumped with excitement. Fucker had no business being, considering he was freezing his tits off standing here talking to a bus-napper while dressed only in a strip of terry-towelling. His rod and tackle ought to be shrivelled up and no bigger than a baby shrimp, not jutting up seeking attention like it’d just awoken at the start of spring. Woman was shapely hot though.

Luckily, it was dingy as hell, so she probably hadn’t noticed the pole making a tent of his towel.

“Do you want some dry clothes?” He needed something buttoned over his cock to keep it in check, and he didn’t dare wander off down the bus without her. The moment he took his eyes off her, she’d be straight into the river again, and then he’d be obliged to go after her again.

Her bright blue eyes lit up. “You’re offering me fresh clothes?” A slender V formed between her eyebrows. “Why?”

“I want some. I can’t leave you here, and I’d rather not see you catch your death.”

She continued to eyeball him, while straining to prevent her teeth chattering, “Not sure why you’d care.”

“What can I say? I’m a considerate guy. Now, why don’t we start over?” He took a cautious pace towards her, taking care not to put his toes in a position her heels were likely to land. “I’m Paul Reed. Some people call me Rock Giant.” He extended his hand towards her. “And you are?”

Non-communicative, apparently.

“If you don’t give me a name, I’ll have to invent one for you.”

Still nothing.

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