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Yeah, her brother and Max’s had both helped bring them together. Not that she was counting her chickens on that just yet. “I swear to God, Kyle, this is not fun or funny.”

“I know. But I’m happy something good came out of this mess.”

“Max and I are...”

Max raised a brow, waiting like Kyle for her to finish that statement.

“Complicated,” she explained.

Max shook his head. “It doesn’t have to be.”

“Listen to him, Kenna. You’ve wanted this a long time. Don’t deny yourself a chance to be happy again because of what’s going on. This will be over soon, and knowing you’ll have him makes me feel a lot better.”

Her heart dropped. “What do you mean?”

“Well, that’s the trick. I can’t give back what I took, and I can’t come home because the people who want it will come after me. I’ve put a target on your back, along with Mom and Dad’s.”

“I’ve tried to call them, but I can’t get ahold of them.”

“The feds have them in custody, like you. Well, they’re in a hotel somewhere. You’re with the love of your life.”

Max brushed his hand over her hair again and held her gaze. The moment seemed to stretch. God, the way he looked at her and made her feel so loved and cherished.

Her brother kept talking, not knowing anything about the interlude she shared with Max. “I think you got the better deal. Still, jail is jail, right?” Despite the light tone he tried to convey, she heard the strain in his voice.

“Maybe together we can figure out a way for you to come in safely and make this right.”

“There is no making it right,” he snapped. “I didn’t take this thing because I could. I took it because it shouldn’t exist. Ever.”

Alarm bells went off just like the first time she heard about this mysterious thing. “Okay. It’s that bad. So destroy it.”

“I wish that solved the problem. The thing is, I know everything about it.”

“Just because you looked at it, doesn’t mean you can make it.”

“I’m the only one of the three who created the project, who could finish it and make it work.” Therefore, he was the one person who could re-create the whole thing. The person the feds and the company who hired him needed to get what they wanted.

“This is starting to sound like the plot to some doomsday movie where one guy saves the world by destroying the thing no one should have created.”

“Is it so crazy?” He was dead serious.

“That it’s some kid from some small town in Wyoming? Uh. Yeah.”

“I’m not a kid. And this isn’t some game or movie. It’s as serious as it gets.”

“I’m living the consequences of it,” she grumbled.

Kyle sighed. She imagined him grabbing a fistful of his hair like he always did when he was frustrated. “I never meant for any of this to happen. You have to believe that. I’ve struggled with how to end this. It sucks, but there is only one way out of this for me. For all of us.”

“Great. I’ll go with you to turn yourself in. I’ll contact Agent Gunn right now and set up a meeting.”

Kyle sighed. “That’s not what I mean. If I’m in custody, they’ll find me.”

“The feds can protect you.”

“Maybe. Probably not. Because the only way I see this ending for everyone, is if I’m dead.”

A cold shiver went up her spine. “Kyle, you’re not thinking of doing anything—”
