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“No, really. I’m fi—”

Her words cut off, and I rush to slide behind the wheel and head towards town. The hospital is only ten minutes away, but we make it in five. I come to a screeching halt next to the front doors and almost run right into Whit.

“Hey, I was going to call you,” we both say at the same time, and then I glance over to his truck as he looks over to mine.

“Go,” he says, and I nod.

I run inside, asking for two wheelchairs, and the nurses chase me back outside. Grier is trying to get out of the truck by herself, and I growl at her as I pluck her out of her seat and place her in the wheelchair.

“Are you ready to have a baby, gorgeous?” I ask as we’re wheeled inside and down the hallway.

Grier is breathing hard and squeezing my hand too hard to answer. I glance over my shoulder to see Whit and Anise headed into the room next door, and I give him a worried smile that he returns before we head into the hospital rooms.

“It’s going to be okay,” I promise Grier as I help her get settled in the hospital bed. “I’m going to be right here.”

She nods, giving me a smile as she takes my hand.

“I know. Everything always turns out alright with you by my side.”

“Nowhere I’d rather be,” I tell her as the doctor comes in.

“Who’s ready to meet their baby today?” She asks, and I kiss Grier’s forehead as we prepare to do just that.



Five Years Later…

“When willyou and daddy be back?” Noah asks me, and I smile down at him.

“We’re only going to be gone for a few hours, honey. Aunt Anise and Uncle Whit are going to look after you. And you’ll get to play with Molly while we’re gone,” I tell him, and his little face lights up.

“Molly is going to be there?” He asks, and I try not to laugh.

“Yep, it is her house, after all.”

He’s too excited to pay me much mind as he hurries to get his shoes on.

“I can drive him over there,” Hunter says as he comes out of the kitchen.

“Are you sure?” I ask, and he nods.

“You relax. The men have got this. Right, Noah?”

“Yeah!” Our son cheers, and I laugh.

“Alright. Tell Anise I said hi.”

“Will do,” he says, dropping a quick kiss on my lips as he goes to help Noah finish packing up the toys he wants to bring for his playdate.

Noah and Molly were born on the same day, at close to the same time, and they’re best friends. They grew up together, and I’ve loved going through this whole motherhood journey with my best friend.

We babysat Molly two weeks ago so that Whit and Anise could have some alone time, and now they’re returning the favor. I can’t wait to have a few hours with just my husband and me.

Hunter and I got married that Saturday, just like he told me. It was a small ceremony at the courthouse with just Anise, Whit, Mabel, Jonah, and a few other friends. We went to Two Men and a Griddle afterward and though it was a small celebration, it was perfect.

Hunter whisked me away for our honeymoon and we spent two weeks in Hawaii. We had our own private villa, and I think he made it his mission to make love to me on every available surface in that place. Not that I’m complaining.
