Page 7 of Absolute Harmony

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She and Izzie followed Fatima into the room. After a quick pat to Izzie, Fatima left. Not two minutes later, the door opened, and Warren stepped inside. “Hey, Savina.”

“Hey. How are you?” she asked.

“Good. That was some storm last night, huh? Any troubles driving in?” Warren petted Izzie.

“No, the roads were fine. Thanks again for taking me to pick up my truck yesterday morning.”

He grinned and leaned against the counter that housed a sink and a small weight scale. “You’re welcome. Anyone say anything to you yet about your truck being at the Beaver all night?”

“No, but I haven’t been to town since I picked it up. Why, have you heard anything?”

His grin widened, and she rolled her eyes. “Small town gossip is the worst. Let me guess, you’ve heard I’m having drinking problems.”

Warren laughed. “That about sums it up, which is hilarious because I can’t remember the last time I saw you drink more than a single glass of wine. Why did you drink so much Thursday night anyway?”

Well, at least that quelled one fear. Hal hadn’t said anything to Warren about what he saw Thursday night.

“I had a date, and it went horribly,” she said.

A frown crossed her brother’s face. He was older than her by a decade, she’d been an oops baby, and he’d spent most of his life acting like a second dad to her. “What happened?”

“Nothing to worry about,” she said. “I handled it.”

No, Hal handled it.

She ignored her inner voice as Warren said, “All right. Well, be careful out there.”

“You be careful too,” she said.

His cheeks reddened. “What do you mean?”

“I saw your profile on the dating app, buddy,” she said. “The one for people over forty.”

His cheeks were now a flaming red, and she had to hold in the giggles as he said, “Shit. Are you on that app too?”

“Yes,” she said. “I’m glad you’re dating. Have you told Harper yet?”

“Sort of. She’s supportive of her old man dating.”

“Good,” Savina said.

“So, what’s going on with Izzie?” He crouched and rubbed Izzie’s head before reaching under her and palpating her belly as he studied her milk-filled nipples. “No signs of mastitis.”

“No, but I think she might have a UTI. She’s peed twice in the house since yesterday morning, and that’s not like her. Especially since she has access to the fenced-in yard through the doggie door,” Savina said.

“Okay, we’ll get a urine sample and test it,” Warren said. “I’ll take her to the back and ask Hal to -”

The knock made them both turn as Fatima stuck her head into the room. “Dr. Warren? The radiologist from Dynamic Labs is on line one. I know you’ve been waiting all morning to talk to him.”

Warren stood. “Savina, do you mind?”

“No,” she said.

“Great. I won’t be long. Actually, why don’t you take Izzie to the back and let Hal know we need a sample.”

Her stomach dropped, her hope that she might avoid Hal crashing like waves on a beach, but she nodded. “Sure, that’s no problem.”


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