Page 45 of Absolute Harmony

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The sun had risen, but the air was cold, and she walked briskly. Hal was still sleeping when she climbed out of bed, showered, and dressed quietly. They’d stayed up too late last night. After watching nearly four episodes of the HBO show, it had been close to midnight before they’d crawled into bed. Despite neither being night owls, the late hour hadn’t stopped them from having sex. She couldn’t get enough of Hal’s body, his touch, or how he made her feel. It was the sweetest addiction, one she didn’t want to kick.

She had meant to talk to Hal last night about how she felt but, in the end, decided not to. Hal had gone to a lot of work to make her favourite dinner, and she hadn’t wanted to potentially ruin the moment by forcing him to talk about his feelings for her. She had plenty of time to talk to him. In fact, she would speak to him this morning. She wanted Hal to know how she truly felt about him, even if he didn’t feel the same way.

But deep down, you’re confident he loves you, aren’t you?

Yes, she was. Maybe that made her arrogant, but she wasn’t some young girl who didn’t know what love was. How Hal looked at her and treated her… he loved her. She was sure of it.

She unlatched the back gate of the fenced-in portion of her backyard, closing it firmly behind her as Izzie looked up from where she sniffed at the patio bricks. She loped toward Savina, bumping her legs with her head until Savina stopped and petted her.

“Morning, sweetheart. Once it warms up later, we’ll bring your babies out into the yard to run off some of their energy. What do you say, sweet girl?” She rubbed Izzie’s throat, smiling when the dog leaned against her legs before sniffing at the egg basket.

“C’mon, Izzie, I’ll make you a special treat this morning of a few scrambled eggs because you’re such a good girl.”

Izzie followed her into the house, and Savina washed her hands before scrambling the eggs for Izzie. As the dog ate them enthusiastically, Savina started the coffee pot. She wasn’t much of a breakfast eater, but Hal was, and she idly checked the fridge. She would make him some French toast. A thank you for the delicious dinner and the three orgasms he’d given her last night.

She grabbed the bread from the cupboard, turning around when the front door slammed, and her brother called her name.


“In the kitchen,” she said. Hal had parked his bike in his usual spot against the side of the house, so unless Warren had taken a walk around the property before coming in, he wouldn’t have seen it.

“Hey.” Warren walked into the kitchen and helped himself to a cup of coffee before dropping into a chair. Izzie immediately crowded up to him, resting her head in his lap. “How’s it going?”

“Good,” she said. “What’s up? You’re here early.”

He grinned at her. “So? You’re a morning person. Can’t a guy stop by his sister’s house on a Sunday morning for no reason?”

She rolled her eyes. “Nice try, buddy. You want something… spill it.”

He laughed and sipped at his steaming cup of coffee. “I’m heading up to the flea market over in Willington. You want to come with?”

“Oh, um, maybe.”

The silence drew out as she tried to think of a plausible excuse for not going. Warren petted Izzie with one hand and stared at her over his coffee mug, one bushy eyebrow raised questioningly.

“Thank you for the invite, but -”

“Is that coffee I smell? Pour me an extra-large cup. I need the caffeine after you kept me awake late with your insatiable demands for sex.” Hal strolled into the kitchen, wearing just a pair of jeans and his hair still damp from the shower.

“Hal?” Warren set his coffee cup on the table with a thump. “What are you… I mean…?”

Hal stared wide-eyed at Warren before turning to stare at Savina. Willing herself not to blush, Savina said, “Thanks for the invite to the flea market, Warren, but I’ll have to take a rain check.”

Warren didn’t even glance her way. She knew her brother well enough to know he wasn’t angry or upset, but a thick layer of shock covered his face. “You and Savina are sleeping together?”

Hal cleared his throat, rubbing self-consciously at one forearm. “Warren, I… yes, we are.”

“She’s your best friend’s wife,” Warren said.

Hal winced, and Savina said, “I’m a widow, Warren.”

Warren shook his head before staring at her. “Right, sorry. Yeah, no, I didn’t mean….”

He trailed off, leaving the air thick with embarrassment and surprise.

Hal gripped the back of an empty chair. “Warren, it’s not -”

“I should go.” Warren stood up abruptly, pushing his chair back with a loud scrape as Izzie chuffed in surprise and backed away. “Sorry to interrupt. I shouldn’t have… I mean… I’m gonna go so you two can… do whatever you were … I’m gonna go.”

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