Page 18 of Absolute Harmony

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“Oh, babe,” Tabitha said as she dropped the empty beer glass on the floor. “I miss you so much, babe.”

“I miss you too, babe,” Scott said. “I wanna come back home.”

“I want you to come back home, too,” Tabitha said.

Savina’s mouth dropped open when Scott yanked Tabitha into his arms, and they kissed passionately.

“Oh God,” Savina said when Scott and Tabitha, their tongues slathering across each other’s faces and their hands groping and gripping the other’s ass, nearly fell onto the table. Savina pushed her chair back when Scott swept their plates and cutlery onto the floor with a loud crash, sending pasta slithering across the floor, before boosting Tabitha onto the table. He dropped onto her, and Tabitha wrapped her legs around his waist as their kissing and moaning grew louder.

A hard hand gripped Savina’s arm and pulled her to her feet. She stared at Hal, who said, “Time to go, Savina.”

He took her hand, and she grabbed her purse as he linked their fingers together and pushed past the patrons who were starting to gather around the table to watch what, from the sounds of Tabitha and Scott’s moans, was about to be a live sex show.

Hal led her out the front door and across the parking lot to her truck.

“You okay?” Hal asked when they stopped next to the driver’s door.

Savina burst into laughter. She laughed until her stomach hurt and tears formed in her eyes. Hal leaned against the truck, his arms folded across his chest as he patiently waited for her to finish. Somehow, that only made her laugh harder until finally, her hand on her aching stomach and gasping for breath, she managed to quell the giggles.

“Holy shit, that just happened, right?” she asked.

“Yep,” Hal said. “I’ve had some bad dates, but I’ve never had a date stick their tongue down our server’s throat before.”

She laughed, rubbing her aching stomach. “I think they were married or at the very least living together at some point, and I was Scott’s revenge date.”

“Too bad he couldn’t resist Tabitha and how she threw his beer in his face,” Hal said.

“His crotch,” Savina said with another giggle. “She poured it on his crotch.”

Hal laughed, and she couldn’t help the tingle that went straight to her pussy. How long had it been since she’d heard Hal laugh? Too long.

“I can’t believe I was going to sleep with him,” she said. The thought brought on another spat of giggles, and when it ended, she leaned against the truck next to Hal and rubbed at her stomach.

A scowl embedded itself on his face, and she said, “What?”

“Are you drunk?”

“Not yet,” she said. “Scott started making out with Tabitha before I could order more wine.”

His scowl deepened. “You have to stop going out with strange guys and getting drunk, Savina.”

She smiled at him, but all the humour had left her body. “Luckily, I’m an adult who doesn’t have to follow your rules.”

“Savina –”

She’d planned on apologizing for kissing him at work, but now, she just wanted to go home. She’d send him a card or something. “Good night, Hal.”

Without looking at him, she climbed into her truck and shut the door. She turned it on, staring resolutely out the windshield until Hal walked away. She slumped in the seat, rubbing at her forehead. She hated conflict to begin with, but fighting with Hal made her want to barf.

She checked her phone, replying to a message from Harper about what time she should be at Warren’s on Saturday, before tossing her phone back into her purse. She drove toward the parking lot exit, slowing to a stop when she saw Hal standing in front of his car with the hood up.

He was bent over the engine, and she stared at his ass for a good thirty seconds before admonishing herself and lowering the window. “Do you know what’s wrong with it?”

Hal straightened and slammed the hood shut. “The starter, I think. I’ll get Wade to tow it to a garage tomorrow.”

“I’ll give you a ride home,” she said.

“I’ll call Warren,” he said.

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