Page 63 of Bride of Monsters

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"Why did you just stop it like that? I wanted to see more."

He grinned. "Then you'll need to learn the magic. You'll have plenty of time to think about it in this special place."

Why the hell did he keep talking about this special place?

The feeling of apprehension I had around Apollyn was hard to ignore. He was so mysterious and enigmatic, and I had to be on my toes to make sure his intentions were pure. I had to stay on alert and be careful around him.

"I see that vision makes you happy, but I understand that you weep for something more. Someone else… your sister. Am I right?"

My heart raced with anticipation as he uttered my sister's name. What dark secrets did he possess? Muscles tensed and my fists curled as I searched his face for a hint of what he knew. Every fiber of my being yearned to hear the truth of her plight.

"What did he know of her?" I demanded.

"You weep for that which will destroy you. What do you mean?" he said.

"What do you mean?"

"The other Carrier girl—your sister…she has done a very, very bad thing. And you're going to help me fix it!"

Apollyn uttered a command in shadow language, and in the blink of an eye, a swarm of dark tendrils erupted from the floor, snaking around my wrists and snapping together with a loud clang. I tried to struggle, but it held me tight in an iron grip.

"What the fuck!" I exclaimed. "You fucking senile, back-stabbing bastard."

"You have so much to learn, but don't worry. I'm going to put you in a special place until I get back. I put something in your teato help you relax in the meantime. When I get back, we're going to get to the bottom of all of this, you understand?"

"Apollyn, this is a dick-ish move!" I screamed.

His demon guards started filing into the room, and before I knew it they were hauling me away from the dinner table.

"What did my sister do? Where is she?..."

My pleas for answers were met with deafening silence as his imposing guards dragged me down the long, menacing hallway. The air was thick and oppressive as every twist and turn felt eerily familiar, stealing my breath away until I could no longer ask questions.

Chapter 30


Ijerked awake in a cramped, dank cell, a splitting headache pounding at my temples. Panic coursed through me as I strove to remember why I was there. Apollyn's face suddenly flashed before my mind's eye, then the sensation of his powerful magic enfolding me and then his guards dragging me into oblivion. That jerked had literally drugged me to stop me from retaliating with magic. I shuddered at the memory of his power as I lay there in the dark, helpless.

I sat up, taking in my surroundings. The cell was made of stone, with a small cot and a bucket in the corner. It was familiar, but it took me a moment to place why. This was the same cell where Finn had been kept prisoner. A wave of anger washed over me at the thought of Apollyn treating me the same way he had treated my evil half brother.

I stood up, feeling my strength slowly return. I was determined to give Apollyn a taste of his own medicine when I got out. Rage surged through my veins as I rose to my feet, feeling my strength return tenfold. Morpheus had warned me not to believe anything his father said. I was beginning to think I could actually understand Apollyn, but I was wrong. He was a insipid, scheming, and manipulative. A fire of vengeance blazedwithin me, warming away the chill of my captivity, and infusing me with the will to fight.

I closed my eyes, reaching for my magic, but it was like hitting a wall. My magic was suppressed, just as Finn's had been.

I paced the cell, trying to think of a way out. I had to find a way to break the suppression spell and escape. I couldn't let Apollyn keep me locked up like this. Not when there was so much at stake.

I looked around my prison cell, examining every inch of the space for a way out. My eyes caught sorcerous markings on the walls, created by Finn during his own time here. It was no surprise to me that every spell he had doodled on the wall was focused on finding loopholes in the magic blocking his escape. Even if I hadn't let him out for information about getting to the void, he probably wouldn't fought like hell to find his own way out.

As I sat in the prison cell, I couldn't help but examine every inch of the walls, looking for a flaw in the spell working. Crouching down to inspect the wall, I noticed a small crack. I put my fingers into the fissure and carefully pulled out stones. As I did so, a hidden section of the wall revealed itself. Inside was a pendant necklace—my necklace! It glinted in the dim light, and I felt an inexplicable rush of emotion. The bastard had kept it—had it all this time.

I held the pendant up to the light. My father had gifted it to me and it used to bring me so much solace when I needed it, especially when he perished. Every time I wore it, he said it would remind me of how incredibly talented I was. And the color changes would represent my different moods at any given.The necklace held so much power and could fuel any spell, allowing for loopholes to the magic that was blocking me.

I focused my attention on the walls, taking in every single one of Finn's writings. It was like solving a complex mystery thatI was determined to unravel. I carefully studied the writing and doodles, attempting to make sense of what Finn had uncovered. The words auxpar and temps caught my attention the most. To travel and time.

I started doodling alongside his writings, trying to fill in the gaps where I thought he may have been missing a piece of the puzzle. I worked for hours, trying different combinations of spells and incantations, until finally, I believed I had cracked the code.

I couldn't predict his intentions, but I knew exactly where I wanted to go and why I wanted to go there.
