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“Oh, don’t think you’re going to turn your ineptitude on me,” Dan sneers. “I’m entitled to my opinion, goddamn it!”

As I shove open my door, a loud slam reverberates. I hear glass shattering, followed by a feminine gasp. I look over at Kiera’s desk to find a stout man practically leaning over her desk and her flinching back in her chair, her eyes wide and filling with tears. Then I see the broken glass from her picture frame all over the floor.

The instant, violent urge to pound him into oblivion is strong. I’m not normally the punch-first-and-ask-questions-later type, but the way he’s treating my girl has me seeing red.

She’s not your girl, moron.

“Mr. Wishnewsky,” I snap. “What’s the problem?”

It takes everything I have not to grab him by the shirt, pin him against the wall, and get right in his face. I can’t cause or threaten bodily harm, but I can sure as hell make him wet his pants.

Dan whirls to face me. “Mr. Knight. I-I didn’t know you were here.”

“These are thin walls. What is so concerning that you have to interrupt valuable work time to berate Ms. Young?”

Dan’s stance turns cautious. “I-I needed to schedule a meeting with you today regarding the status of my project. It’s close to the deadline. I need your stamp of approval, but she said you’re not available. Sir, this deadline is incredibly important. You said it yourself when you assigned the project to me.”

“Just because I’m busy right now doesn’t mean I’ve decided the project isn’t important. And it definitely doesn’t give you the right to yell at my assistant because things don’t go your way. How old are you, four?”

As Dan looks chastened, I glance past him and see tears falling down Kiera’s face. My hands ball into fists. Dan is lucky I don’t want to go to jail.

“No, sir. I just—”

“There’s no ‘just’ about it. Your behavior is unprofessional, and I will not tolerate it. Are we clear?”

“Yes. I’m sorry. I-it was a lapse in judgement. I’m really invested in this project and—”

“I appreciate your passion for your work, but bullying isn’t acceptable. And I’m not the person you should be apologizing to.” I point to Kiera, who’s furiously wiping away her tears.

“You’re right, sir.” Dan turns back to her, his shoulders drooping as if he’s been properly chastened. “I’m deeply sorry for yelling at you and saying unkind things, Ms. Young. You were following Mr. Knight’s orders, and I was out of line. I promise it’ll never happen again.”

“Thank you,” Kiera says stiffly.

I have no illusions. She won’t feel comfortable around Dan anytime soon, if ever. I intend to keep him as far from her as possible. “The next time you have an issue with me, you talk with me. No one else. You don’t take out your frustration on any employee here at KH Industries but especially not my assistant. I’ll let you off with a warning, which will be noted in your HR file. But if this ever happens again, I will not be lenient. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good. Tomorrow, when you have a cooler head, you will email me about scheduling our meeting. I will personally pencil it in. Then we will calmly walk through the project and work things out, yes?”

“Absolutely, sir. Thank you. I really am sorry.” Dan nods Kiera’s way before rushing off like a dog with its tail between its legs.

Once he’s out of sight, I approach her. She’s still shaken and shell-shocked. My anger softens to concern.

I slip her hand in mine and squeeze. “Are you all right?”

“I’ll be fine. Thank you.” But her breaths are still choppy, like she’s struggling to get her emotions under control. Or like she just had the shit scared out of her. “I don’t know what he would have done if you hadn’t come…”

“Shh, don’t think about that.” I crouch so we’re at eye level and take hold of her other hand so I’m grasping both in mine. “Deep breaths. In.” I demonstrate. “And out. You’re okay.”

She nods, and together, we inhale and exhale slowly for long minutes until her breathing finally becomes even.

“Better?” I prompt.

“Yes.” She sniffles. “Thank you, Mr. Knight.”

Formalities. Right. Damn.

I scan the industrial carpet around her desk chair. Shards of glass are everywhere.

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