Page 69 of Ocean of Stars

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“So she’s the one worth risking everything for?”

“She is.”

“Lilith has bewitched you.”

“Don’t say it like that.”

“I mean it in a good way. I’d rather have a Lilith than an Eve any day. They’d just need to have a penis is all.”

I busted out laughing.

“Listen, Zac…” Bash continued. “I’ve already told you that I get it, and I really do. I understand both your and Stevie’s circumstances and can see why you two have fallen into this as you obviously have. Here’s the deal, though. You’re gonna have to work a hell of a lot harder to hide what’s going on. Not from me but from everyone else.

“I know. Stevie just realized that too.”

Bash started shaking his head back and forth, smiling at me. “Dude… The sexual attraction that I just witnessed between you and her. Shit!”

“Yeah, she drives me wild,” I breathed out.

“You’ve gotta tell me when all of this started.”

“Before I ever met her. That’s when.”


“I saw her on the running trail two Saturdays ago. That was a week before she and I met at Mystic Bar that Friday night when you, me, Brooke, and the gang were all there. On the morning that I saw Stevie at the trail, she was running toward me and kept her eyes glued to mine until we passed by each other. I stopped running, turned around, and continued watching her until I couldn’t see her anymore. After that, I had to step off the trail to go walk around in the woods for a while because of what had happened to me.”

Bash’s dark eyebrows pulled together. “What happened?”

“My entire world was lit up in a matter of seconds by a complete stranger, and we never spoke a word to each other. Not until we met that night at the bar. And like clockwork, my world filled with light all over again at the moment I saw her.”

“Ah, the power of eye contact with a beautiful woman. It’s been known to slay many a man. Even valiant ones such as yourself.”

“It was more than just making eye contact with Stevie. Both at the trail and the bar, it felt like she was staring straight into the core of me. The woman literally took my breath away both times. Hell, she has every time that I’ve seen her. Even a few minutes ago when she was walking up these steps,” I said, motioning at them.

“I wish you’d told me about seeing her on the running trail before now. I wish you’d told me abouteverythingbefore now.”

“There was no point in telling you about what happened on the trail because I didn’t think I was ever going to see that beautiful stranger again. But then I did. As far as what’s happened since that night at Mystic Bar? It’s been a whirlwind of coincidental meetings at different places around Dallas. And Iplanned to tell you abouteverythingwhen the time was right. I just didn’t know it was gonna be today.”

“Tell me where all of these coincidental meetings happened.”

“For one, the Whole Foods that’s close to my house. That’s where I ran into Stevie next, in the parking lot. It happened this past Friday. We stopped to talk to each other and of course, our chemistry immediately came into play. Also, the sexual tension between us was…” I stopped talking to take a deep breath. “It was intense, and before we said goodbye, I told Stevie to keep wearing that sparkly gloss on her lips because I thought it looked really nice on her. And she told me to keep this scruff on my face because she thought it looked really nice on me.”

“I’ve been wondering what that was all about,” Bash said, glancing down at my jawline. “I just thought that maybe you’d gotten tired of appearing so squeaky-clean but that’s not the case at all. You’re looking rugged for Ms. Stevie Sinclair.”

“Yes, I am.”

“And she’s keeping those plump lips of hers sparkly just for you.”

I smiled. “She is.”

“Damn, you two are something else.”

“I’d like to think we are.”

“Don’t ever doubt it, man. So go ahead and tell me about the next coincidental meeting.”

“I took Malcolm to the zoo on Saturday like I always do, and we were inside the petting zoo when I looked up and saw Stevie standing by the fence, smiling at us. I took Malcolm over to meet her and the crazy thing—he went right to her and hugged her. It was like he found an old friend of his or something. The three of us went to the aquarium after that, Stevie told Malcolm about all the different fish, I brought up mermaids and that’s another story that I’ll finish telling you about in a minute.”

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