Page 66 of Ocean of Stars

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“How’s that?” he asked, searching my eyes with his.

All I could do was shake my head yes—yes, what he was doing to me felt so damn good. About a minute later, Zac raised back up, pulled his cock out of me again, and then held out his hand for me to take. After pulling me upright, he lifted me up underneath my arms and set me back down into the water. We stood in front of each other—both of us naked as the day we were born, and we were unashamed. We were bold in our skin and also in our desire for each other.

“Turn around,” Zac whispered, making his deep voice sound even raspier.

I smiled and then did what he wanted me to do. I turned around, realizing that he really was going to run me like a river. He wanted to travel all over my body and I was happy to let him do it.

After pushing me by my waist over to the pool’s edge, I felt Zac’s warm chest pressing against my back. Then he moved my wet hair to one side and placed it over the front of my shoulder. Seconds later he was kissing my neck, and the whole time that he was doing it, I could feel his cock pressing against my ass.

Zac reached up and cradled the side of my face in his hand, then he pulled my face around to where he could kiss my mouth. Our lips met, our tongues followed, and it wasn’t long after thatthat I ended our kiss and leaned over the edge of the pool. I was ready to feel Zac inside me again.

He wrapped his hands around my waist but before he slid his cock back into me, I looked over my shoulder and reached for every erect inch of it. Then I began running my hand up and down it, making Zac let out one low moan after another. He kept watching what I was doing to him until he couldn’t take it anymore.

“I need you now, Stevie,” he exhaled.

I dropped my hand, arched my back, and then he thrust himself into my pussy from behind. He started fucking me hard, gripping my hips and taking all of me he could while I held myself steady on the pool’s edge. Moments later, he leaned over and pressed his chest against my back, and then I felt him reach around to the front of me. He found my swollen clit again and started rubbing little circles on top of it, bringing me even closer to coming undone. We were both breathless as we continued moving our bodies together, wanting so much for this release to happen.

Then it began for Zac.

He buried his face in the hair at the back of my neck and let out a deep, throaty groan that went on and on. Between listening to him and feeling the continued thrusts of his cock into my pussy, and also his fingertip still going round and round on top of my clit, I started to cum. And like Zac’s orgasm, mine went on and on. Wave after wave of so much pleasure rushed through me, making it impossible for me to be quiet. I had nowhere to bury my face though, so I just let the full extent of everything that I was feeling come from my mouth. I didn’t care if my neighbors heard.

When my orgasm ended, I collapsed onto the pool deck and Zac collapsed on top of me. After we caught our breaths, he leaned his head around mine, kissed my lips, and then raisedhimself back up while slowly pulling his cock out of me. I got up after that and turned around to face him, and he stepped even closer to me and put his hands on my shoulders.

“Stevie, you’re trembling all over,” he said, looking concerned.

“I know.”

“Why? It’s not cold out here.”

“Because of what you just did to my body with yours. It feels like every nerve ending in mine has been reignited and it feels good. Really good. And by the way—the sex that we just hadisthe best that I’ve ever experienced in my life.You’rethe best that I’ve ever had, Zac. You’re an incredible lover and you’re also an incredible man.”

He searched my eyes and then pulled me into his arms, resting his head against mine.

“I’m not trembling like you are but please don’t think I haven’t been deeply affected by what we just shared, because I have been,” he said. “It felt like an earthquake breaking me open, then you and all your sweetness poured into me and filled me up. And by the way—that was the best sex that I’ve ever had too.Youare the best that I’ve ever had.Youare who’s incredible, Stevie.Youare an incredible lover and woman.”

After a long and tender moment of just holding each other, Zac loosened his embrace and looked at me. He smiled, I smiled, and it was like we knew what the other was thinking because without saying a word, we both took off swimming toward the deep end of my pool at the same time. As soon as we made it there, Zac pulled me underwater with him and then pressed his lips against mine. When he pulled away, we stayed underneath the surface of the water, just staring at each other. Everything was so tranquil and dreamlike. The blue lights in my pool were illuminating our naked bodies, as well as the bubbles that were escaping our mouths.

This bed of water we were in was a cocooning paradise to me and I could’ve stayed in it all night long with Zac, but I knew our evening together had to end. The morning was going to be here before we knew it and so was our work. With our heads above water now, I decided to mention that reality even as much as I hated to.

“This evening with you has been everything that I imagined it would be. It’s been amazing, but we need to get some rest. Duty calls at daylight for both you and me, Buchanan,” I said, and he sighed.

“You’re right. Where did the time go?”

“Magical hours always fly by.”

“This time with you has been so magical, Stevie.”

“Same to you.”

“I haven’t even left your house yet and I’m already missing you.”

As soon as Zac said that, a thought came to me, but I wasn’t sure if I should air it because I wasn’t sure how he would react to it. Then I decided to go for it anyway.

“You don’t have to leave. Stay here with me if you want to. Spend the night.”

“Are-are you serious?”

“Yes. Fall asleep with me in my bed and when morning comes, we’ll get up and have coffee together. Then I’ll cook breakfast for us and after we eat, we can get dressed and go to work.”

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