Page 64 of Ocean of Stars

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“It is soon for both of us, yet it’s not. Not when you take into account our ages, what we’ve been through, what we’re still dealing with, what we’ve missed out on, and also what we’re still seeking in life. I know exactly what I want in mine—and it’s you.”

“Then come show me how much you want me.”

“I’m already in my car.”

As soon as we hung up, I made a beeline for my bathroom so I could check my appearance. I’d taken a couple of dips in the swimming pool after getting home from Mystic Bar and was still wearing my black bikini. My hair was damp and what little makeup I’d had on earlier was now gone. Because I was about to get back into the pool, I didn’t bother changing into something else or doing anything with my hair, but I did put on some waterproof mascara and a fresh coat of lip gloss.

Floating on my back once again, I waited for Zac to arrive. What he didn’t know and would soon find out was that I didn’t want the first time we had sex to happen in my bed. I wanted it to happen while the two of us were immersed in this sensual water that we both enjoyed so much.

Because I’d intentionally left my back door open, I heard Zac ring my doorbell, and I also heard my cellphone chime, alerting me that he was here. Swimming over to the edge of the pool, I grabbed my phone off the deck and opened up the Ring app so I could see and talk to Zac through the camera on my front porch.

“Hey, you. I see you,” I said.

“And I’m ready to see you.”

“The code to open my front door is 10987. Come inside, lock the deadbolt behind you and then walk outside into my backyard.”


I continued watching him as he was punching in the code and when he opened the front door, I clicked off my phone andtossed it over into the grass. Then I swam into the deep end to wait for my lover to appear. The moment he stepped through the back doorway, his eyes found me and he smiled, making the butterflies that were already in my stomach flutter even more.

“Would you like for me to close this door?” he asked, pointing at it.


After the latch clicked, he turned back around and walked over to the edge of the pool, coming to a stop straight across from me.

“In the mood for a swim tonight, I see,” he said, canting his head to the side.

“Something like that.”

I watched Zac take his time looking me up and down. Although it was well after dark now, the lights inside the pool were on. Zac could see me just as clearly as I could see him—but no one could see us. The privacy fence surrounding my backyard blocked my neighbors’ view and that of any cars driving down my street.

“Now that I’m here alone with you like this, you’d think I’d know what to do but I don’t. I mean, I know what I wanna do but I’m nervous as hell. Are you?” Zac asked.


“Stevie, there’ll be no turning back after we do this.”

“I know.”

“And I have no idea of where we’re headed after tonight, but I’m all in no matter what. Like I told you earlier on the phone—I want you. I want all that you’re willing to give to me of yourself.”

“I’m ready to begin doing exactly that for you. It starts tonight, here in this pool. So join me,” I said, splashing the water at Zac and making him smile.

“Um, we didn’t talk about it beforehand, but I brought some protection for us to use tonight. As a matter of fact, I stopped byCVS on the way here to pick up some because I didn’t have any. I haven’t needed it because…”

“I know that too.”

Zac half-laughed and then began shaking his head. “While I was inside the store, I felt like I was a high school kid trying to be discreet while looking at all the different condoms. Then, as timing would have it, an elderly woman walked up to get in line behind me and started eyeballing the box that I’d put on the counter. She even huffed at me.”

“Because you picked out extra-large condoms?” I chuckled.

“Actually, yes.”

I glanced down at the front of Zac’s trousers. “Not surprised.”

“Stevie, I’m not sure how well a condom is gonna work in that water.”

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