Page 57 of Ocean of Stars

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As Brooke began easing into the space, Zac looked up, smiled, and waved. He closed his car door and motioned for Brooke to pull the rest of the way in. Once she’d parked, Zac opened my door for me.

“Hey, Sinclair,” he said. His blue eyes were sparkling.

“Fancy seeing you here again, Buchanan.”

He nodded and then leaned down to look across me, at Brooke. “Thanks for sending me that text, Ms. District Attorney. Sorry I didn’t get back to you. I actually woke up from taking a nap at my office not very long ago.”

“A nap?”

Zac chuckled. “Yeah. I didn’t get quite enough beauty sleep last night.”

“What on earth kept you up?”

“Just couldn’t sleep for some reason.”

“I know what your problem was: the moon! Stevie informed me earlier that it’s gonna be a full one tonight. Then she told methat some of us are moon-sensitive,” Brooke said, glancing at me and grinning. “That means its energy not only affects us but can also start jacking with us three days before the moon is actually full and three days afterward. It seems to be jacking with you as much as it is with me.”

“Who knows? I’m rested now, though, and feel great, so come on, ladies. Let’s get out of this summer heat and go get a drink.”

“Sounds good to me!”

The second that Brooke turned around to grab her purse off the back seat, Zac looked at me and motioned for me to get out of the car. When he held out his hand, I didn’t hesitate to take it, and as soon as I felt the warmth of his skin on mine, my skin ignited all over again. My attraction to him and the arousing effect he had on me were so hard to hide, but I was still trying to, for his benefit as well as Brooke’s. My boss, especially, didn’t need to see what was really going on here between Zac and me. Yes, she knew that I found him attractive. Hell, any woman would. I was going to have to be really careful, though, to not look at Zac too many times or for too long while we were here at Mystic Bar or it’d give me away. It’d let everyone sitting around us know the real story of what was going on inside my headandmy heart. Although Zac and I were just “good friends” status now, I still craved him in every way.

After stepping out of Brooke’s car, I moved over to the left of Zac so he could close the door. He didn’t let go of my hand, though, and I smiled to myself. He was stealing every private moment with me that he could, and he stole another one as soon as the car door clicked shut.

“I’m sorry I didn’t text you back. I passed out on the couch at my office and when I woke up and saw your text and Brooke’s, I hauled ass to get over here to see you again,” he quietly said.

I looked over his handsome face and nodded. “I’m glad you’re here.”

We both heard the driver’s side door close and Zac held out his arm for me to walk ahead of him. As soon as we met Brooke on the sidewalk in front of her car, she hugged Zac. It was obvious how much she cared about him and vice versa. He really was like a son to her.

Inside Mystic Bar, we grabbed a long table and I sat next to Brooke again while Zac took the chair directly across from me like before. We’d been sitting for only a handful of seconds when one of my teammates came walking up.

“Hey, Jason! You beat us here,” Brooke said.

“Yeah, I decided the errand that I was going to run could wait because I was more than ready for one of these,” he said, holding up a frosty mug of beer. “How are you doing, Buchanan?” he asked, playfully grabbing Zac’s shoulder.

“I’m doing well. How about yourself?”

“Getting better by the second, man.” Jason took a sip of his beer and then another.

“I hear you! Have a seat.”

Zac motioned at the chair beside him and Jason took it. Right after he did, a waitress walked up and Zac took it upon himself to order drinks for Brooke and me. My tough yet easygoing boss apparently drank chardonnay every time she came here and probably at any other bar or restaurant that she went to, I guessed. I wasn’t interested in drinking anything other than my usual either: Hendricks gin plus tonic water with extra lime—and that’s exactly what Zac ordered for me. Then he ordered himself the same thing.

“Would any of you like something to eat?” the waitress asked, holding up some menus.

Zac looked over at me. “Are you hungry?” he asked.

“No, I’m just thirsty. Thank you, though.”

“Brooke, what about you?”

“I’m with Stevie. Besides, it’s too damn hot to eat.”

Zac grinned at her, then pointed to Jason. “And you?”

“Nah, man. I’m good. Got everything I need right here,” he said, taking another sip of his beer.

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