Page 171 of Ocean of Stars

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I leaned over and kissed Stevie. Then she got up out of bed and just like she’d done so many times before at her house when I was there—she walked out of the bedroom naked as the day she was born. I couldn’t keep from smiling either.

“What do you think?” Stevie asked me.

“I love it! It isyou. It’s beautiful.”

“Ma’am, I need to get you bandaged up,” Eddie told her.

He was the owner of the tattoo parlor where Stevie and I had been for hours and had tattooed Stevie’s Scottish thistle below her left collar bone.

“You did such a great job. Thank you,” she told him.

“I aim to please. Now come on and have a seat.”

Stevie sat back down in his chair and I stayed where I was. We’d been side by side all this time while Eddie worked on Stevieand his brother, Tyler, worked on me. He was still working on me, too, because my tattoo was large.

As soon as Stevie and I had seen the online picture of an all-black Scottish thistle overlaid with a Celtic design, we both knew that was the tattoo for me, and Tyler had about an hour to go before he finished it. The same as when I got Malcolm’s tattoo, I couldn’t feel the needle going into my skin any longer. My right bicep was numb.

I took a picture of Stevie’s new ink before Eddie bandaged it and after Tyler finished mine, Stevie returned the favor. Then she texted Bash the two pictures from my cellphone along with, “Look at what we did!”

Bash didn’t text back. He called, and when Stevie answered my phone, she started laughing. I could only imagine what Bash was saying to her. I knew he would love what Stevie and I had done. I also knew it was going to make him want to get another tattoo.

“You do know we can’t go swimming in the ocean or the pool now. We have to keep our thistles bandaged and clean for three days,” I told Stevie.

“Um, we can get in the water a little. Like up to here.” She held her hand in front of her chest.

“We’ll have to be really careful, though.”

“We will be.”

I was right about my estimation of when Tyler would be done with me and after Stevie and I got back into our rental car, we looked at each other and smiled.

“We really just did this,” I said.

“I know. It’s permanent too.”

“I want it to be. I want you to be permanent.”

“Same here.”

“What would you like to go do now?”

“Get something to eat. I’m surprised you didn’t hear my stomach growling in there,” Stevie said, looking back at the tattoo parlor.

“Well, they had music playing, so…”

“Are you hungry?”

“I can always eat. What sounds good to you?”


“You mean you wanna eat your brethren, Miss Mermaid?”

Her mouth fell open like she was so offended but then she started laughing. “You’re damn straight I’ll eat them!”

“Then let’s go feast.”

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