Page 166 of Ocean of Stars

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“So are you.”

“When did you talk to Brooke about all of this? And when did you buy these tickets?”

“Wednesday, for both. I’d already planned to surprise you like this but after our conversation on Thursday night, I was really worried that this was all gonna be for nothing. But then it worked out.Weworked out. Another door opened.”

“Yeah, it did.”

“So go pack your bags, your suitcase, or whatever you need to take with you, Sinclair. We’ve gotta be at the airport in two hours.”


“Two hours.”

“Wait!” I said, looking at our tickets again. “Shit! I cannot see or think straight right now!”

“You better get moving.”

“What about your bags?”

“They’re already in the back of my Blazer.”

I sighed out a smile, then Zac stood up in front of me and held out his hand for me to take. I set the airline tickets and Brooke’s letter on the table, got up from my chair, wrapped my arms around Zac’s neck and kissed him.

“Before you start packing, I’ve got one more surprise for you,” he said, grinning at me again. “I was gonna wait until after we got to Destin to give it to you but something told me that I should give it to you before we leave.”

Zac pulled out another envelope from one of the pockets on his cargo shorts and handed it to me. My reaction upon opening was the same as when I saw the two airline tickets. Zac was taking me to see Norah Jones in concert while we were in paradise.




STEVIE AND Itook my car to the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport but after parking and unloading our luggage, we began acting like we didn’t know each other. While riding the shuttle over to our gate, we sat at opposite ends. After reaching our gate, we got off the shuttle at different times, and then Stevie walked ahead of me into the airport.

At the baggage check-in, I stood in line several yards away from her and did the same while we went through security. We had to take precautions like this in case we ran into someone we knew. I wasn’t concerned about it but Stevie was and insisted we continue playing it safe while in the Dallas public eye. This charade of ours would continue until we boarded our plane. Then we’d be free to beus.

We were in the waiting area now, along with all the other passengers who were on our flight. Stevie was sitting in one of the chairs, looking at a magazine, and I was standing by the window, watching planes take off and land. We kept randomly looking over at each other and neither of us could keep from grinning. There was something about acting like we didn’t know each other that was intriguing and also fun.

When passengers began boarding the plane, I went ahead of Stevie this time and then waited for her to join me in first class. Almost ten minutes had passed and she still hadn’t shown up. I wondered what the deal was—if Stevie had actually run into someone she knew or if something else had happened. I’d just stood up from my seat to go check on her when she stepped onto the plane. I sighed in relief and smiled at her but her smile was a nervous one now. Extremely nervous. So were her eyes. When she reached me, I asked her if she was okay.

“I just need to sit down,” she said.

I stepped aside so she could take her seat by the window, then sat down beside her.

“Stevie, what’s wrong? Your whole demeanor has changed.”

“You’re gonna think I’m silly.”

“Silly about what?”

“Flying makes me so fucking nervous,” she whispered, glancing around the cabin.

“I didn’t know that. Why didn’t you say something to me about it before now?”

“Because I thought I could handle it this time.”

“So you get nervous like this every time you fly somewhere?”

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