Page 151 of Ocean of Stars

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“You’re torturing me, Stevie.”

“I don’t mean to. Will you please do this for me?”

“You know I will. Anything you want, Creole Lady Marmalade.”

I laughed at hearing him say that. “I am your Creole Lady Marmalade and thank you for agreeing to change up our ‘getting ready’ plans.”

“You’re welcome.”

“I’m gonna go on over to the mall so I can get back home before dark.”

“Okay. Let me know when you make it back home.

“I will, and then I’ll see you tomorrow at Bash’s party. I’m so excited.”

The Galleria mall was busy when I got here, but I should’ve expected that on a Friday evening. I wasn’t familiar with this place so I spent about twenty minutes walking around, making mental notes of the different stores and their locations. Then Isaw a shoe store with a display of vampy high heels in assorted colors and walked right in.

The third pair I tried on was the one that I decided to buy. Not only were the shoes a comfortable fit, but their color and bling matched my costume. I’d be able to walk around in them all evening at Bash’s party without killing my feet and they would also look sexy as hell. I knew Zac was going to love them as much as he’d loved the black heels I’d worn to Brooke’s birthday party.

I spent more time inside the mall than I realized and when I left it to go back to my car, it was dark outside. The parking lot was well lit but I still kept a sharp eye on my surroundings and carried my pepper spray in my hand. The anonymous letter that I’d received at work still had me on edge, as well as pissed off.

I was about twenty yards away from my car when that feeling of someone watching me came over me. I stopped walking and looked around the parking lot but didn’t see anyone acting unusual. There were people walking toward the mall and coming out of it, but their behavior was as normal as mine.

By the time that I made it to my car, I’d already unlocked it with my key fob and had just grabbed the door handle when chills crawled up my spine. I sensed someone standing behind me and spun around—but there was no one. I hurried into my car and locked it, grabbed the gun that Zac had given me out of the console, and then looked around the parking lot again through my windows. I hated feeling like this. I was unnerved and paranoid and shouldn’t have to feel this way.

I called Zac as I was backing out of my parking space because I knew that just hearing his voice would calm my nerves. I realized Malcolm might not be asleep yet but it didn’t matter. I had to talk to his daddy.

“Hey, you!” he said, answering his phone on the first ring.

“Can you talk or is Malcolm still awake?”

“He’s already in bed. He’s really tired today for some reason. Probably the moon cycle,” Zac chuckled.

“Please just talk to me.”

“What’s wrong, Stevie.”

“I’m driving out of the Galleria parking lot right now and just had something really weird happen.”

“What?”“You know that feeling when you sense someone is watching you?”


“Well, I felt it while I was walking out to my car but I didn’t see anyone acting unusual. No one was staring at me or anything. Then when I got to my car, I sensed someone standing behind me and spun around to see who it was but again—there wasn’t anyone near me. I’m just kinda freaked out at the moment and need to talk to you.”

“I’m right here, Stevie, and you call me anytime you need to. It doesn’t matter if it’s before Malcolm’s bedtime.“Thank you so much, Zac.”

“My God, of course. Have you made it out of the parking lot yet?”


“Okay. Keep talking to me. You’re staying on the phone with me until you get home.”

“I was hoping to. I already feel better just hearing your voice.”

“I’m so sorry all that just happened to you.”

“I’m obviously imagining things, and I know it’s because I’m a little paranoid after receiving that damn letter at work.”

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